A breakthrough in lowering systolic blood pressure
Dr. Robert Nolan and his team

​​​​​​​​​​Dr. Robert Nolan, second from the left, and his team at the PMCC work to find ways for patients to deal with hypertension by creating important and long-lasting lifestyle changes.

A new e-counselling program is proving that with the right self-help support and education, people can make healthier lifestyle choices and – hopefully – live longer

Everyone knows that a healthy diet and regular exercise can lead to a longer life, but for most people, it's nearly impossible to break bad lifestyle habits. In 2010, Dr. Robert Nolan, Director of the Cardiac eHealth and Behavioural Cardiology Research Unit at Peter Munk Cardiac Centre (PMCC), set out to change that by helping patients connect heart-healthy lifestyle change to their personal goals for living well.

Over the last seven years, Dr. Nolan has been devising ways to help patients with hypertension create meaningful and long-lasting lifestyle changes. In the past, people would have consultations with a specialist and then be left to fend for themselves. Some might change their behaviours for a short period, but most would revert to old habits. ​

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