​​UHN Nursing Academic Accomplishments 

Scholarship is an important aspect of professional nursing practice. It highlights the value of discovery and knowledge creation through research, the value of applied leading practices emerging from quality improvement and research findings, and the value of continuous learning and growth oriented to being better and doing better within the practice of nursing. 

Scholarship inspires, encourages and stimulates us to learn mo​re and improve what we do as nurses. It is a part of a nursing career devoted to improving patient outcomes, regardless of the role you hold. UHN nurses have led some extraordinary research projects this year and we are proud to showcase some of the work they have undertaken on a national and international scale.

UHN Nursing Academic Achievements 2022/2023

Carlsson, L., Limoges, J., & Puddester, R. (2022, October 27–30). Leading the way: increasing nurses' contributions to genomic and precision health care [Conference oral presentation]. CANO/ACIO 34th Annual Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada. 

Carlsson, L., Limoges, J., Pike, A., Dewell, S., Meyers, A., & Puddester, R. (2022, November 11–13). The application of an engagement framework to support genomics-informed nursing in Canada [Conference abstract session]. 2022 International Society of Nurses in Genetics World Congress, Durham, NC, United States. 

Choy, A., & Jacobs, S. (October 12, 2022). Connecting again: Optimizing and improving nurse-resident relationships in a post-COVID world [Poster]. Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario Conference. 

Dus, T., Kestenberg, S., & De Graeve, D. (2022, August). Supporting healthcare workers to support patients during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster]. Twelfth International Council of Nurses Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice Nurse Network Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland. 

Grigorovich, J., & Rotstein, S. (2022, October 27–30). Transitioning breast cancer surgery education online: A COVID-19 quality improvement project [Conference oral presentation]. CANO/ACIO 34th Annual Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada. 

Kestenberg, S. (2022, April 26). Infection prevention and control investigations and follow-up on a case of cutaneous corynebacterium diphtheriae [Presentation]. Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Canada 2022 National Education Conference. 

King, C., Perkins-Meingast, B., & Pozzobon, L. D. (2023, May 28–30). Applying high reliability organization principles during hospital information system implementation [Panel discussion]. e-Health Conference 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada. 

Ladak, S. J. (2023, May 11). Balancing perioperative pain management and supporting harm reduction [Symposium panelist]. Canadian Pain Society. 

Lamoureux, S. (2023, September 25–27). A hybrid educational approach to prepare novice nurses for success in an accelerated critical care nursing program [Oral presentation]. Canadian Critical Care Nursing Conference 2023, Fredericton, NB. Canada. 

Lee, E. (2022). Pain management in chronic liver disease [Oral presentation]. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, The Liver Meeting 2022. 

Lee, E. (2022). Clinical predictors of hospital readmission within 12 months for alcohol-associated liver disease in a Canadian tertiary centre cohort [Poster]. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, The Liver Meeting 2022. 

Lee, E. (2022). Primary care nursing and liver management: A qualitative study from a telemedicine education program (ECHO Ontario Liver) [Poster]. North American Primary Care Research Group 2022.

Lee, E. (2022, December 7). Living with liver disease: navigating the healthcare system [Oral presentation.] Canadian Liver Foundation: Living with Liver Disease.

Lee, E. (2023). Clinical predictors of hospital readmission within 12 months for alcohol-associated liver disease in a Canadian tertiary centre cohort [Poster]. Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) Canadian Liver Meeting 2023.

Lee, E. (2023). Nursing professional to their full scope of care: A qualitative study of nursing professionals' experience in the ECHO Ontario Program, an integrated care model [Poster]. Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) Canadian Liver Meeting 2023.

Lee, E. (2023). Factors related to a shorter survival in patients with liver disease and followed by a specialized palliative care clinic [Poster]. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) International Liver Congress 2023.

Lee, E. (2023). Experiences from a palliative care clinic specialized in liver diseases—utilisation, clinical characteristics of patients and outcomes [Poster]. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) International Liver Congress 2023.

Lee, E. (2023). Goals of care and end-of-life for patients with advanced liver disease followed by a specialized palliative care clinic [Poster]. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) International Liver Congress 2023.

Lee, E. (2023, April 20). Optimizing the liver clinic's role in managing alcohol use disorder among patients with alcohol-associated liver disease [Oral presentation]. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: Special Interest Group Webinar.

Li, J., & Bastiampillai, R. (2022, November 10–11). The clinical impact of the Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test on the management of dysphasia [Panel (oral)]. Australian Neuroscience Nurses Association Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Liu, L., Cheung, T., & Zubrinic, M. (2023, April 10–13). Geri-Connect: An innovative nurse-led delirium management app to provide culturally-relevant virtual programming for older persons experiencing responsive behaviours in acute care settings [Round table presentation]. Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) 2023 Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Liu, L., Cheung, T., & Zubrinic, M. (2023, April 20–22) Geri-Connect: An innovative nurse-led delirium management app to provide meaningful virtual programming for older persons experiencing responsive behaviours in acute care settings [Oral presentation]. Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association 22nd Biennial Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

Liu, L., Schindel-Martin, L., & Guruge, S. (2023, April 20–22). Moral injury among healthcare providers caring for older persons during the COVID-19 pandemic [Oral presentation]. Canadian Gerontological Nurses Association 22nd Biennial Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

Mair, N., & McGhie, S. (2023, July 1–5) Opening doors to prevent hospital admission and improve continuity of care: The role of the wound care clinical nurse specialist. [Conference poster presentation]. International Council of Nurses Congress 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Matthews, A. (2022, June 14–17). Using the persona-scenario method to develop design specifications for an automated pre-procedure fasting instruction system [Oral presentation]. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Nursing (AINurse22) at the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Halifax, NS, Canada.

Mayo, S. J., Bernstein, L. J., Shultz, D., Kongkham, P., Zadeh, G., Nissim, R., Schagen, S., Sekely, A., Moody, L., Julius, A., Liu, A., & Edelstein, K. (2023, January 30–31). Codesigning a stepped care program to address cancer-related cognitive impairment among adults with brain metastases: A study protocol [Conference poster presentation]. Eighth International Cognition and Cancer Task Force Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.

McDonald, M., Fang, C., Yim, C., Cherepaha-Kantorovich, I., Camaya, S., & Lee, E. (2023). Evaluation of safety of a nurse-led paracentesis model for patients with decompensated liver disease in ambulatory care: A retrospective review [Poster of distinction, abstract travel award]. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, The Liver Meeting 2023.

McGillis, L. (2022, September 14–18). Mixed methods approach to understanding goals of care for patients seeking Ehlers-Danlos syndrome diagnosis [Poster]. International Scientific Symposium on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Rome, Italy.

McGillis, L. (2022, September 14–18). Pediatric to adult transition of care for young adults with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and generalized hypermobility spectrum disorder: A Canadian perspective [Poster]. International Scientific Symposium on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Rome, Italy.

McGillis, L. (2023, June 27). Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders [Webinar speaker]. Nurse Practitioners' Association of Ontario.

McGuigan, K., & Murphy-Kane, T. (2022, November 15). CALM: Managing cancer and living meaningfully with the advanced illness [Oral presentation]. International Thoracic Oncology Nursing Forum Webinar.

Power, C. (2022, October 5). Strength matters: Importance of cardiac surveillance for anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimens with subsequent treatment with HER-2 targeted therapy [Invited speaker]. Inaugural Nursing Focused Cardio-Oncology Conference, Global Cardio-Oncology Summit 2022, Toronto, ON, Canada.

Power, C. (Oct 6, 2022). Safety of withdrawal of cardiac medications in women with HER 2+ breast cancer with recovered cardiac function post diagnosis [Poster]. Global Cardio-Oncology Summit.

Pozzobon, L. (2022, December). Medication safety [Guest lecture]. Undergraduate Medicine Program, Cardiff University, Wales.

Pozzobon, L. (2023, April). Anticipating and mitigating patient safety threats [Presentation]. Epic Canadian Collaborative.

Pozzobon, L. D., Seidelin, P., Graham, L., Al-Awamer, A., Heggie, J., & Chatier, L. (2023, May 15–17). An organizational approach to improving escalation of care [Poster and mini presentation]. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Pozzobon, L. (2023, June). Learning from patient safety incidents reported during the COVID-19 pandemic [Presentation]. Canadian Institutes of Health Research Planning and Development Workshop: Medication Safety, Scotland.

Pozzobon, L. D., Lam, J., Chimonides, E., & Luk, W.-S. (2023, July 1–5). Adopting high reliability organization principles during a large scale clinical transformation [Poster]. International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Pozzobon, L. D., Carson-Stevens, A., Weatherby, H., Tosoni, S., Luk, W.-S., & Chartier, L. (2023, July 1–5). Lessons learned from analyzing patient safety incidents reported during the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster]. International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress 2023, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rodrigues, P., Brian, E., Palmer, S., Arany, T., & Mann, A. (2023, January 20–21). The creation of a smoking status toolbar in the electronic medical record to improve ask and advise rates [Poster]. Fifteenth Annual Ottawa Conference: State of the Art Clinical Approaches to Smoking Cessation, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

Rowland, P., Tosoni, S., Pozzobon, L. D., & Chartier, L. (2023). How can we maximize learning from safety events? [Panel discussion]. The Michener Institute of Education at UHN's Convergence 2023 Healthcare Education Conference.

Sears, K., & Pozzobon, L. (2022, October 19–22). Developing an international certificate in health quality. [Poster]. International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Spain.

Sears, K., & Pozzobon, L. (2022, December 4–7). Developing an international certificate in health quality [Poster]. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) National Forum, Orlando, FL, United States.

Sears, K., Rodgers, J., Pozzobon, L., & Godfrey, C. (2022, June 20–22). Charting the ‘new normal' in Canadian community pharmacy practice: Scoping review [Poster]. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare, Gothenberg, Sweden.

Scime, S., & Jivraj, N. (2022, October 27–30) Connection, reflection and celebration: Coming together to develop a sexual and gender diversity in cancer care (SGDc) program. [Conference oral presentation]. CANO/ACIO 34th Annual Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada.

Sheehan, K., Liu, L., Seto, A., & Sukhu, M. (2022, October 26–29). TeamCARES: Supporting the mental health of frontline health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic [Oral presentation]. The 72nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

Shih, F., Manzanilla, G., & Nemec, R. (2023, October 26-28). Collaborating with an adult program to establish a pediatric access program [Poster presentation]. Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians Conference.

Yim, C. (2022, November 19). Post international conference highlights [Invited speaker]. Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Yim, C. (2022, December 18). Impact of chronic liver disease [Invited speaker]. Family Resilience: Facing a Chronic Illness Webinar, UHN Asian Initiative in Mental Health.

Yim, C. (2023, March 4). Hepatitis B: Where are we today? [Invited speaker]. Canadian Liver Meeting/Canadian Association of Hepatology Nurses, Halifax, NS, Canada.

Yim, C. (2023, May 6). Chronic liver disease [Invited speaker]. Stronger Together: What Everyone Should Know About Liver Disease, Transplant, and Mental Resilience Webinar, UHN Asian Initiative in Mental Health and the Centre for Living Organ Donation.

Yim, C. (2023, September 29–October 1). Chronic HBV infection in Toronto—A tale of two clinics [Poster]. Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) Single Topic Conference on HBV, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Yim, C. (2023, September 29–October 1). Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients followed in two clinics in Toronto [Poster]. Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) Single Topic Conference on HBV, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Yim, C. (2023, September 29–October 1). Experience of a Chinese hepatitis B peer support group: Successes and challenges [Poster]. Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL) Single Topic Conference on HBV, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Zubrinic, M. (2022, October 12). UHN Halo (telemonitoring) [Invited speaker and guest panelist]. Digital Health Canada Webinar.

Zubrinic, M. (2023, April 20–22). Geri-Connect: An innovative nurse-led delirium management app to provide meaningful virtual programming for older persons experiencing responsive behaviors in acute care setting [Oral presentation]. Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association 22nd Biennial Conference, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada.

Zubrinic, M. (2023, May 13–16). Revolutionizing in-patient monitoring: A virtual sitter [Invited lecturer]. American Association for Thoracic Surgery 102nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, United States.

Abbey, S.E., Wright, S., & Tan, A. (2022). Anorexia nervosa in solid organ transplantation. In P. C. Zimbrean, Y. Sher, C. Crone, & A. F. DiMartini (Eds.), Transplant psychiatry: A case-based approach to clinical challenges (pp. 73–77). Springer, Cham.

Adombire, S., Puts, M., Puchalski Richie, L. M., Ani-Amponsah, M., & Cranley, L. (2022). Knowledge, skills attitudes, beliefs, and implementation of evidence-based practice among nurses in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 20(10), 2519–2527.

Brahmania, M., Biondi, M. J., Joshi, S., Lee, E., Jung, H-M., & Kehar, M. (2023). Priority actions for elevating liver health in Canada: A call to action. Canadian Liver Journal, 6(2), 283–290. 

Carlsson, L., & Limoges, J. (2022). Canadian nursing and genomics: An engagement initiative. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 32(4), 559–564. 

Cheng, E. Y., Mah, K., Al-Awamer, A., Pope, A., Swami, N., Wong, J. L., Mathews, J., Howell, D.,

Hannon, B., Rodin, G., Shapiro, G. K., Li, M., Le, L. W., & Zimmermann, C. (2022). Public interest in medical assistance in dying and palliative care. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 12(4), 448–456. 

Cook, S., Munteanu, C., Papadopoulos, E., Abrams, H., Stinson, J. N., Pitters, E., Stephens, D., Lumchick, M., Emmenegger, U., Koneru, R., Papadakos, J., Shahrokni, A., Durbano, S., Menjak, I., Mehta, R., Haase, K., Jang, R., Krzyzanowska, M. K., Dale, C., Jones, J., Lemonde, M., Alibhai, S., & Puts, M. (2023). The development of an electronic geriatric assessment tool: Comprehensive health assessment for my plan (CHAMP). Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(1), Article 101384. 

Cosolo, L., Leahey, A., Elmi, S., & Homeward, T. (2023). Development of a nurse-initiated proactive telephone nursing assessment guideline for new cancer patients. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 33(1), 116–121. 

Dano, S., Lan, H. H., Macanovic, S., Bartlett, S., Howell, D., Li, M., Hanmer, J., Peipert, J. D., Novak, M., & Mucsi, I. (2023). Two-step screening for depressive symptoms in patients treated with kidney replacement therapies: A cross-sectional analysis.Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 38(5), 1318–1326. 

Davidson, M., & Andiappan, M. (2023). When caring breeds contempt: The impact of moral emotions on healthcare professionals' commitment during a pandemic. Health Services Management Research, 36(3), 215–227. 

Evon, D., Lin, H., Khalili, M., Wahed, A. S., Yim, C., Fontana, R. J., Hoofnagle, J. H. (in press). Symptoms of liver disease during tenofovir therapy with or without peginterferon: Results from the Hepatitis B Research Network Immune Active Trial. Digestive Diseases and Sciences.

Farahani, M. A., Soleimanpour, S., Mayo, S. J., Myers, J. S., Panesar, P., & Ameri, F. (2022). The effect of mind-body therapy on cognitive function in cancer survivors: A systematic review. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 32(1), 38–48. 

Faratro, R., & Chan, C. T. (2023). Adaptation of home nocturnal hemodialysis for a patient with epidermolysis bullosa: A call to personalized care!Hemodialysis International, 27(3), E37–E40. 

Gozdzik, A. (2023). Exploring the option of peritoneal dialysis for patients with left ventricular assist devices CANNT Journal, 33(1), 10–14. 

Gonzalez-Ochoa, E., AlqasI, H., Bhat, G., Jivraj, N., & Lheureux, S. (2022). Inoperable bowel obstruction in ovarian cancer: Prevalence, impact and management challenges. International Journal of Women's Health, 14, 1849–1862. 

Haase, K. R., Sattar, S., Dhillon, S., Kilgour, H. M., Pesut, J., Howell, D., & Oliffe, J. L. (2022). A survey of older adults' self-managing cancer.Current Oncology, 29(11), 8019–8030. 

Haase, K.R., Sattar, S., Pilleron, S., Lambrechts, Y., Hannan, M., Navarrete, E., Kantilal, K., Newton, L., Kantilal, K., Jin, R., van der Wal-Huisman, H., Strohschein, F. J., Pergolotti, M., Read, K. B., Kenis, C., Puts, M., & the International Society of Geriatric Oncology Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group. (2022). A scoping review of ageism towards older adults in cancer care. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(1), Article 101385. 

Hacker Teper, M., Naghavi, N., Pozzobon, L., Lee, D., Parpia, C., & Taher, A. (2022). A scoping review of barriers, facilitators and tools to escalation of care processes in the emergency departmentMedicine, 24(3), 300–312. 

Jin, R., Monginot, S., Romanovsky, L., Alibhai, S. M. H., Berger, A., Stefaniuk, S., Berger, Patterson, A., & Puts, M. (2023). Implementing proactive phone calls for older adults with cancer after systemic therapy: A quality improvement project. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(2), Article 101391.

Jivraj, N., Lee, Y. C., Tinker, L., Bowering, V., Ferguson, S. E., Croke, J., Karakasis, K., Chawla, T., Lau, J., Ng, P., Dhar, P., Shlomovitz, E., Buchanan, S., Dhani, N., Oza, A., Stuart-McEwan, T., & Lheureux, S. (2023). Management of malignant bowel obstruction: An innovative proactive outpatient nurse-led model of care for patients with advanced gynecologic cancer.Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 38(1), 69–75. 

Jivraj, N., Shapiro, G. K., Schulz-Quach, C., Van de Laar, E., Liu, Z. A., Weiss, J., & Croke, J. (2023). Evaluating healthcare professionals' knowledge, attitudes, practices and education interest in LGBTQ2 + cancer care. Journal of Cancer Education, 38

Julius, A., Croke, J., Giannopoulos, E., Manhertz, J.A., Lawrie, K., Quartey, N. K., & Papadakos, J. (2023). Exploring brachytherapy discharge educational needs of gynecological cancer patients. Journal of Cancer Education, 38, 1200–1207. 

Kalyvas, A., Gutierrez-Valencia, E., Lau, R., Ye, X. Y., O'Halloran, P. J., Mohan, N., Wong, C., Millar, B.-A., Laperriere, N., Conrad, T., Berlin, A., Bernstein, M., Zadeh, G., Shultz, D. B., & Kongkham, P. (2023). Anatomical and surgical characteristics correlate with pachymeningeal failure in patients with brain metastases after neurosurgical resection and adjuvant stereotactic radiosurgery. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 163, 269–279.

Ko, G., Sequeira, S., McCready, D. R., Sarvanantham, S., Li, N., Westergard, S., Prajapati, V., Freitas, V., & Cil, T. D. (2023). Utilization of a rapid diagnostic centre during the COVID-19 pandemic reduced diagnostic delays in breast cancer. American Journal of Surgery, 225(1), 70–74. 

Kusi, G., Atenafu, E. G., Mensah, A. B. B., Lee, C. T., Viswabandya, A., Puts, M., & Mayo, S. J. (2023). The effectiveness of psychoeducational interventions on caregiver-oriented outcomes in caregivers of adult cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 32(2), 189–202.

Lee, C., Scime, S., Simon, S., Ng, F., & Fitch, M. (2022). Exploring nursing engagement in providing virtual care to cancer patients in Canada. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 32(4), 580–585. 

Lee, E., Navadurong, H., & Liangpunsakul, S. (2023). Epidemiology and trends of alcohol use disorder and alcohol-associated liver disease.Clinical Liver Disease. Advance online publication. 

Liem K.S., Chi, H., Fung, S., Wong, D. K., Yim, C., Noureldin, S., Chen, J., de Man, R. A., Sarowar, A., Feld, J. J., Hansen, B.E., Hou, J., Peng, J., & Janssen, H. L. A. (2022). Early virologic relapse predicts alanine aminotransferase flares after nucleos(t)ide analogue withdrawal in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Journal of viral hepatitis, 29(11), 986–993. 

McKenzie, F., Gazzé, G., Hewitt, J., Kolm, K., Pollock, D., Rowland, S., & Crosbie, T. (2022). Canadian perspectives in multiple myeloma on the use of steroids in clinical practice based on patient and healthcare provider interviews. Frontiers in Oncology, 12, Article 1061417. 

McLoughlin, L. C., Perlis, N., Lajkosz, K., Boasie, A., Esmail, T., Nielson, C., Lavrencic, N., Jackson, T., & Kulkarni, G. (2023). Surgical site infections during the pandemic: The impact of the "COVID Bundle."World Journal of Surgery, 47, 2310–2318. 

Mejia-Gomez, J., Petrovic, I., Doherty, M., Kennedy, E., Wolfman, W., Jacobson, M., Brezden, C., Philippopoulos, E., & Lukovic, J. (2023). Sexual dysfunction in female patients with anal cancer treated with curative intent: a systematic review of the literature. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 178, Article 109437.

Mendlowitz, A., Mandel, E., Capraru, C., Hansen, B., Wong, D., Feld, J. J., Janssen, H. L. A., Biondi, M., Arif, A., & Yim, C. (in press). Factors associated with knowledge and awareness of Hepatitis B in individuals of Chinese descent: Results from a mass point of care testing and outreach campaign in Toronto, Canada. Canadian Liver Journal.

Nixon, S., Duquette, D., Doucette, S., & Larouche, J.-F. (2023). How we manage patients with indolent b-cell malignancies on Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Practical considerations for nurses and pharmacists. Current Oncology, 30(4), 4222–4245. 

Oppegaard, K. R., Mayo, S. J., Armstrong, T. S., Kober, K. M., Anguera, J. A., Wright, F., Levine, J. D., Conley, Y. P., Paul, S., Cooper, B., & Miaskowski, C. (2023). An evaluation of the multifactorial model of cancer-related cognitive impairment. Nursing Research, 72(4), 272–280. 

Oppegaard, K. R., Armstrong, T. S., Anguera, J. A., Kober, K. M., Lynch Kelly, D., Laister, R. C., Saligan, L. N., Ayala, A. P., Kuruvilla, J., Alm, M. W., Byker, W. H., Miaskowski, C., & Mayo S.J. (2022). Blood-based biomarkers of cancer-related cognitive impairment in non-central nervous system cancer: A scoping review. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 180, Article 103822. 

Panesar, P., & Mayo, S. J. (2023). "Taking out the Trash": Strategies for preventing and managing fraudulent data in web surveys. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 33(2), 283–284. 

Papadopoulos, E., Abu Helal, A., Berger, A., Jin, R., Romanovsky, L., Monginot, S., & Alibhai, S. M. H. (2022). Objective measures of physical function and their association with cognitive impairment in older adults with cancer prior to treatment. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 13(8), 1141–1148. 

Pozzobon, L. D., Lam, J., Chimonides, E., Perkins-Meingast, B., & Luk, W. S. (2023). Adopting high reliability organization principles to lead a large scale clinical transformation. Healthcare Management Forum, 36(4), 241–245. 

Puddester, R., Limoges, J., Pike, A., Dewell, S., Meyer, A., Carlsson. L., & Pike, A. (2022). The Canadian landscape of genetics and genomics in nursing: A policy document analysis. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research. Advance online publication. 

Reardon, J., Truax, A., Naranian, T., & Liu, L. W. C. (2023). Enhancing self-management of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tubes through the implementation of a standardized education and assessment pathway: A quality improvement initiative. Gastroenterology Nursing, 46(1), 41–46. 

Rocque, G. B., Dent, D. N., Ingram, S. A., Caston, N. E., Thigpen, H. B., Lalor, F. R., Jamy, O. H., Giri, S., Azuero, A., Young Pierce, J., McGowen, C. L., Daniel, C. L., Andrews, C. J., Huang, C. S., Dionne-Odom, J. N., Weiner, B. J., Howell, D., Jackson, B. E., Basch, E. M., & Stover, A. M. (2022). Adaptation of remote symptom monitoring using electronic patient-reported outcomes for implementation in real-world settings. JCO Oncology Practice, 18(12), 1943–1952.

Rowland, S., Forbes, R., Howell, D., Kelly, H., Taghavi Haghayegh, A., Cardinale, M., Ramnanan, T., & Mayo, S. J. (2023). Psychosocial and supportive care needs of individuals with advanced myeloma.Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal,33(2), 215–222.

Rozenberg, D., Al Kaabi, N., Camacho Perez, E., Nourouzpour, S., Lopez-Hernandez, L., McGillis, L., Goligher, E., Reid, W. D., Chow, C. W., Ryan, C. M., Kumbhare, D., Huszti, E., Champagne, K., Raj, S., Mak, S., Santa Mina, D., Clarke, H., & Mittal, N. (2023). Evaluation and management of dyspnea in hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and generalized hypermobility spectrum disorder: Protocol for a pilot and feasibility randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 12, Article e44832. 

Smith, K. A. , Morassaei, S., Ruco, A., Bola, R., Currie, K. L., Cooper, N., & Di Prospero, L. (2022). An evaluation of the impact for healthcare professionals after a leadership innovation fellowship program. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 53(4), S137–S144. 

Solera, J. T., Árbol, B. G., Bahinskaya, I., Marks, N., Humar, A., & Kumar, D. (2023). Short-course early outpatient remdesivir prevents severe disease due to COVID-19 in organ transplant recipients during the omicron BA.2 wave. American Journal of Transplantation, 23(1), 78–83. 

Susky, E., Hota, S., Armstrong, I., Mazzulli, T., Kestenberg, S., Casaubon, L., Granton, J., Rebelo, C., Bartels, E., Wrana, J., & Vaisman, A. (2023). Hospital outbreak of the severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) delta variant in partially and fully vaccinated patients and healthcare workers in Toronto, Canada. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 44(2), 328–331. 

Tam, S., Kumar, R., Lopez, P., Mattsson, J., Alibhai, S., Atenafu, E., Bernstein, L., Chang, E., Clarke, S., Langelier, D., Lipton, J., Mayo, S., Papadakos, T., & Jones, J.M. (2023). A longitudinal multidimensional rehabilitation program for patients undergoing allogeneic blood and marrow transplantation (CaRE-4-alloBMT): Protocol for a phase II feasibility pilot randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE, 18(5), Article e0285420. 

Tejero, I. Timilshina, N., Jin, R., Monginot, S., Berger, A., Romanovsky, L., & Alibhai, S. M. H. (2023). Impact of sex in assessments and treatment recommendations in an older adult with cancer clinic. Journal of Geriatric Oncology, 14(2), Article 101412. 

Thavendiranathan, P., Houbois, C., Marwick, T. H., Kei, T., Saha, S., Runeckles, K., Huang, F., Shalmon, T., Thorpe, K. E., Pezo, R .C., Prica, A., Maze, D., Abdel-Qadir, H., Connelly, K. A., Chan, J., Billia, F., Power, C., Hanneman, K., Wintersperger, B. J., Brezden-Masley, C., & Amir, E. (2023). Statins to prevent early cardiac dysfunction in cancer patients at increased cardiotoxicity risk receiving anthracyclines. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, 9(6), 515–525. 

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Puts, M. (principal investigator). Supporting older adults with cancer and their support person through geriatric assessment and remote exercise and education: The SOAR study. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Grant, $424,576. 2022–2025.

Puts, M. (co-principal investigator). Toward comprehensive supportive care for older men with prostate cancer (TOPCOP3). Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Bridging Grant, $100,000, and Rising Tide Foundation (Switzerland), Grant, $473,399 (USD). 2022–2025.

Puts, M. (principal investigator). Comprehensive health assessment for My Plan: Initial implementation study (CHAMP implementation study). Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Grant, $229,500. 2022–2025.

Puts, M. (co-investigator). Transitional care programs: Evaluation of performance and patient-oriented outcomes. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Grant, $600.000. 2022–2026.

Puts, M. (co-investigator). FAST Walk (Functional Assessment for Surgery by a Timed Walk) Study: A multicentre prospective cohort study of the six-minute walk test for improving preoperative risk stratification for major non-cardiac surgery. PSI Foundation, Grant, $249,000. 2023–2025.

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