About Psychology at Princess Margaret
At Princess Margaret, our psychologists provide support through specialized programs and services designed to help you and your family navigate the physical, emotional, and behavioral challenges of a cancer diagnosis and treatment. Below, you'll find brief descriptions of the psychosocial services offered by our psychologists.
The Caregiver Clinic
Caring for a family member with cancer can be extremely stressful. Research studies have shown that family caregivers often report the same emotional distress as cancer patients themselves, if not more. To address the needs of family caregivers, the Caregiver Clinic was founded in 2017. Family caregivers can request a referral to the Caregiver Clinic from a member of the patient's cancer care team at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Family caregivers referred to the Caregiver Clinic will be seen by a psychologist over the phone or by video (using Microsoft Teams). For more details, visit: Caregiver Clinic.
The Genito-Urinary Psychosocial Service
The Genito-Urinary (GU) Psychosocial Service offers specialized support for patients and families dealing with prostate, testicular, bladder, or kidney cancer. This service offers personalized psychological care to help patients manage the physical, emotional, and relational challenges commonly associated with GU cancers. If you'd like a referral to this service, talk to your oncologist about seeing Dr. Andrew Matthew PhD., CPsych, in the Psychosocial Oncology program.
Neuropsychologists assess the impact of cancer and its treatment on cognitive function (the ability to think) and provide instruction on the development of new skills to deal with the losses in cognitive function. At Princess Margaret, neuropsychologists are involved with the Pencer Brain Tumor Centre and Pediatric Aftercare Program, and the Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship program. Talk to your healthcare team about a referral to access this service.
Related links:
How to Get Referred
You can ask any member of your health care team for a referral to a psychologist.