












 What We Do

The Transplant Infectious Diseases Clinic​​

The Transplant Infectious Diseases Clinic provides services to the following groups of patients:​

  • Organ transplant candidates and recipients
  • Organ transplant donors
  • Patients with Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)
  • Stem-cell transplant candidates and recipients
  • Persons with cancers of the blood or organs

Patients who need diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of infections will be referred by their physician using a referral form package including test and diagnostic results.

You will receive an appointment at our clinic. During the appointment, an infectious disease doctor will determine if you need further tests and treatment. A follow-up will be scheduled to review the results and determine if further action is necessary.

We commonly evaluate the following conditions:

  • Bacterial infections (surgical wound infection, urinary tract infections, lung infections, intraabdominal infection, as well as bone infections)
  • Viral infections (cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, BK virus and shingles virus)
  • Fungal infections (Aspergillus and other fungi)
  • VAD-related infections
  • Latent or dormant infections that may need treatment

Pre-transplant Infection Evaluation Clinic (PIE Clinic)

At this clinic, we will provide you with a comprehensive assessment of pre-transplant conditions that need to be managed before you get your transplant. At this clinic, we also offer vaccinations and TB skin testing and counsel for safe living after transplantation.

Who is eligible for this clinic?

  • Transplant candidates (both organ and stem-cell transplant candidates)
  • Patients scheduled to receive chemotherapy for malignancies
  • Potential living donors
  • Potential VAD (ventricular assist device) recipients ​

Tests & Services

The following tests are routinely performed through the Transplant Infectious Diseases Clinic:

  • Nucleic acid testing for various viruses including CMV, EBV, BK, and Adenovirus
  • CMV-resistance testing
  • Multiplex respiratory virus panel for patients with suspected pneumonia
  • Galactomannan testing for the non-culture base diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) for antimicrobials and antifungals
  • QuantiFERON TB Gold

Other tests that you maybe asked to complete with your clinic appointment:

How to Prepare

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​​​

 Materials and Resources to Help You

Resources from the Patient & Family Education Program

Visit our Health Information section to find dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information you're looking for.​

 Meet Our Team

The Transplant Infectious Diseases Clinic is run by Dr. Deepali Kumar, Dr. Coleman Rotstein, Dr. Shahid Husain, Dr. Sasan Hosseini and Dr. Atul Humar who have a combined experience of greater than 50 years in caring of this patient population. All the doctors are known experts in their field and have published extensively in the field.

Medical Director: Dr. Deepali Kumar

Staff Physicians or Specialists:

  • Dr. Shahid Husain
    Transplant Clinic
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm​
  • Dr. Coleman Rotstein
    Transplant Clinic
    Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Dr. Deepali Kumar
    Transplant Clinic
    Tuesdays and Fridays
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Dr. Atul Humar
    Transplant Clinic
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Dr. Sasan Hosseini
    Transplant Clinic
    Mondays and Thursdays
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm​
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