​​​​A lung transplant evaluation is the first step of the transplant assessment process, and will be organized by the Lung Transplant Assessment Office, in your clinic.

During your lung transplant evaluation, you will meet with many health care professionals who will help decide if transplantation is the right option for you. You will also have several tests done to determine the condition of your other organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys. The assessment process typically takes 3 to 4 days to complete.

Several tests are done routinely during the assessment. These include:

  • Pulmonary Function test (lungs)
  • Chest x-rays, and CAT scan of the chest
  • Ventilation Perfusion Scan
  • Heart tests such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), an echocardiogram, a stress test, or an angiogram
  • Blood tests and virus testing
  • Six minute walk

You will meet with several members of the transplant team. They may include:

You will also need to have special blood tests done to find out if your body's immune system will be able to handle new lungs.​


Transplant Approval Process

After your evaluation is done, the lung transplant team will meet to review all of your test results and consultations.

There are several possible outcomes of this meeting:

  • You are considered a suitable candidate but, it may be too early for you to be put on the waiting list.
  • Further testing is required.
  • Safety: Although most patients get approved, it may medically unsafe for you to have a lung transplant. If you have active or advanced heart disease, cancer, or any other condition that may make it unsafe for you to have transplant surgery, the team may decide that you should not have a transplant.
  • You are accepted for a lung transplant, you want to have a transplant and you understand and accept the responsibilities required before and after the transplant. ​

Lung Transplant Options

Living donor

To increase your chance of getting a lung transplant, you should talk to people who may be interested in, and willing to, donate lungs to you. This is called a living donor lung transplant.

Your lung donors could be your spouse, a family member, a co-worker or even a stranger. Don't count anyone out as a possible donor.

The Lung Transplant team will work with you to find out if your possible live donor is a good match for you.

If you have found a suitable living donor, you usually will be able to have your surgery in approximately 6 months, if all your tests are acceptable and your donor is a good match. All of this information varies, depending on your individual circumstances.

Deceased donor

If you cannot find a living donor, you will be placed on the deceased donor waiting list. This means you will wait for a pair of lungs donated by someone who has passed away.

Specialized Lungs Transplant Programs

We also offer several spe​cialized lung transplant programs​  to increase your chance of receiving a lung(s) transplant.

While you wait for a lung transplant the care of your lung disease will be in partnership between the lung transplant team and other respirologists who are involved in your care. You will also need to follow up appointments as needed with your family doctor for other medical issues and general health care concerns.

The transplant team is here to help and support you during the transplant process.

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