












 What We Do

Sheppard Centre Assisted Care dialysis is a community-based facility that accepts patients from dialysis centres across the greater Toronto area. Our philosophy is to encourage patients to develop independence and control over their disease and to assume responsibility for parts of their treatment. We believe that a commitment to assisted self-care dialysis in a non-hospital setting promotes a greater sense of well-being and self-esteem. We believe that patients play a vital role in the learning process and as such will be treated as individuals with different needs and learning styles. We believe that research and change are essential for sustaining growth. We believe in the multidisciplinary approach and that communication and cooperation are essential to the attainment of the highest level of patient care.

Tests & Services

Our staff will work with you to assess your ability to manage different parts of your treatment. Every one to two months, your Nephrologist will arrange an appointment with you or come to see you at the clinic to discuss your progress, latest lab tests, and procedures.

We are located on the subway line but parking is available if needed. We are wheelchair accessible. We are located near restaurants and shopping.

How to Prepare

Your Nephrologist will refer you to the clinic. You will be contacted by the Clinic Coordinator to come in for a tour and interview. If you want to dialyze at the satellite unit, you will complete the necessary paperwork and your treatments will be organized by your Nephrologist and staff at the clinic. We will work with your original dialysis center to transfer the necessary information.

Medical Care:

  • Patients are encouraged to learn about their hemodialysis treatment and ongoing education is provided. The doctors are not regularly on site however we are able to contact them anytime and they schedule times to either visit you in the clinic or at your home hospital.
  • Transfer to the assisted care dialysis unit is for dialysis treatment only. The hospital currently responsible for the patient will continue to provide coverage for backup dialysis, social work, and dietary support.
  • Patients will have a clinic assessment every one to two months, unless otherwise ordered by the physician. The assessment will include a physical examination, blood work review, new prescriptions and pharmacy refills. It is important that all patients attend their scheduled clinic appointments. If you cannot attend please inform the nurses as soon as possible.
  • All services, i.e., dietary, social work, and pharmacy support, will continue to be provided by the home hospital.
  • The only drugs supplied by the assisted self-care unit are drugs that are used for/on dialysis. The following drugs may be prescribed and given during dialysis: Heparin, erythropoietin, cathflo, antibiotics, and Venofer. Emergency oral medications such as Tylenol, Gravol, sugar tablets, chewable A.S.A., and Benadryl are stocked on-site if needed.
  • If a blood transfusion is required, the cross match and transfusion will be done at the home hospital.
  • The assisted care unit will work in conjunction with the hospital transplant coordinator to facilitate the patient's transplant needs and complete necessary tests.
  • If on any occasion, a patient is deemed incapable, or medically unstable to carry out his treatment in a safe and competent manner, they will be referred back to the home hospital for dialysis. Return to the self-care unit will be at the discretion of the physician and the unit nurses.
  • A physician's order is required if a patient is going to omit a treatment for any reason.
  • If an urgent medical problem occurs at home, patients must present themselves at the Emergency Department closest to them or their home hospital. Please call the Sheppard dialysis unit as soon as you are able to update your condition.
  • If an emergency occurs at the assisted-care unit, 911 will be called, and the home hospital and physician will be notified.

Nursing Care

  • The teaching program will be individualized to the patient's needs, abilities, and learning styles.
  • A primary nurse will be assigned, and will be responsible for the development of the teaching program, documentation, and communication of this information.
  • The nurse and patient will decide when specific tasks may be carried out, without direct supervision.
  • The primary nurse will monitor the progress of the patient.
  • The primary nurse will also carry out periodic reviews of procedures to assess and assist each patient to maintain or improve their level of competence. These reviews will be done as needed and documented.
  • All patients must be assessed by a nurse before the patient can proceed with dialysis.
  • On a monthly basis, a nurse will review with each patient, the monthly blood results.

Patient's Responsibilities

  • Patients are expected to be active participants in aspects of their care.
  • If feeling unwell, this should be reported to the nurses at the self-care unit, and if necessary, to the Nephrologist.
  • If after hours and medical care is required, the patient should report to the closest emergency department, or to the home hospital.
  • If unable to dialyze at the self-care unit, due to illness, please inform the unit as soon as possible, via telephone.
  • Before returning to the self-care unit ensure medical information has been sent. It would be a good idea to bring a photocopy of your discharge letter to your first dialysis.
  • Patients shall arrive on time for their scheduled appointments. 48 hours notice is necessary for any requested change in your schedule, however, one week notice would be appreciated.
  • Patients are to make the self-care unit aware of any hospital admissions or changes of medications by other doctors.

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​​​

 Meet Our Team

Medical Director: Dr. Charmaine Lok

Manager: Susanne Henseleit

Clinical Coordinator: Lee-Anne Hyer

Your team of nurses, dialysis assistants, clerical staff, and technologists are experienced in their field and here to ensure you have and efficient and safe dialysis treatment. Each member is committed to helping you learn more about your treatment and answer any questions you may have.​

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