Getting Started

Obtain the following before or on your first day. You will need these items to be able to access the information and be reached when needed.

  • UHN ID badge with access to the 9th floor
  • Electronic Patient Record (EPR) access
  • Dictation access
  • Pager

For information on how to obtain the above, visit Postgraduate Education.

For more information, visit The Medical Education office on the ground floor of Toronto General (Elizabeth St. entrance).


  • You can use specific staff physicians’ offices to store your belongings. These will be identified by our administrative assistant when you arrive. Alternatively, you can access the lockers in the hallway to the MaRS building on the ground floor. 

Staff Room

  • You can have lunch in the staff physicians’ offices identified as areas for your use. Please keep the shared space clean and throw out your waste into the garbage bins by the kitchen.
  • When you leave to see patients on the wards, leave the desks tidy and close the door.


  • Notify the palliative care office at 416 340 4800 ext. 2674 or contact Leigh Gibson at if you are unexpectedly away or ill; the appropriate staff members will be informed of your absence.
  • Add your name and pager number to the sign-out list in EPR.

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