UNICEF Canada representative Jillian Costas was a great sport and got her flu vaccine at Toronto General to join the flu fighters at UHN. (Photo: UHN News)
Congratulations UHN!
We wrapped up the 2014 Flu Campaign with great success. UHN vaccinated a total of 10,375 staff – that's 2,500 more than last year.
By choosing prevention this flu season, not only did you protect yourselves, loved ones, and our patients, but you also helped vaccinate children around the world.
For every flu shot a UHN staff member received, UHN donated one shot of vaccine to a child in need through UNICEF Canada – and two per staff member for those vaccinated in the final week.
We will be donating over 10,500 vaccines to UNICEF Canada thanks to you!
Why do I need to get the influenza vaccine?
Although the Flu Campaign has come to an end, it is still important to protect yourself and those around you.
Influenza is one of the top 10 infectious diseases in Ontario. While most healthy adults feel miserable for a few days, for some people, influenza can be serious or life-threatening. Those most at risk include:
- adults age 65 and over,
- residents of long-term care facilities,
- pregnant women,
- children under the age of five,
- people who are obese,
- people who are immune-compromised, and,
- people with chronic medical conditions, including asthma, heart disease, and diabetes, among others.
We have already seen flu outbreaks on units at Toronto Rehab, Princess Margaret and Toronto Western. We're seeing more patients in our Emergency Departments and we're hearing that the surge of illness is likely to hit us very hard in the next few weeks. Given all of this, it is important to remember that our policy on respiratory illness requires staff to remain at home if they are ill, and if they must work while they have respiratory symptoms, that a mask must be worn while caring for patients.
Flu season is now upon us and although the flu carts have been put away until next year, you can still get your flu shot at the Pharmacy, or Occupational Health and Safety if you are a UHN employee.
Thanks for supporting our UHN community and communities around the world.