​​ Did you know? The centre for Living Organ Donation specializes in supporting patients and champions in finding a living donor. contact us at to learn more about how we can support you through your journey.  

Are you waiting for a liver or kidney transplant? Are you supporting a loved one in need of a liver transplant?

The Centre for Living Organ Donation specializes in providing webinars and one-on-one valuable tips and strategies on finding a living donor. We will help you create your story and write your appeal, share ideas of where to share and how to launch your campaign. If you are looking for strategies to help you share your story by talking to loved ones, sending an email or creating a public campaign for social media or traditional media, we have the support and strategies to get you there.

We will help guide you through this process, provide valuable insights and coach you along the way. We have many resources and templates to get you started. You never know who your living donor could be!

Ready to start sharing your story with the goal of finding your living donor? Contact us at to start your journey today.

Finding a Living Donor Resources

If you are interested in speaking to someone who has lived experience either as a transplant recipient or living donor, we are happy to connect you as well.

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