Rehabilitation Services
We offer a wide range of services to outpatients with spinal cord injuries and diseases. A registered nurse provides guidance and education on health issues for people living in the community, while an occupational therapist helps break down the barriers that keep outpatients from carrying out and enjoying every day activities.
A physiotherapist assists patients in maximizing their physical function, balance, transfers and wheelchair skills. We also have access to Therapeutic Recreation when outpatients may need help to increase their independence through leisure activities. A dietitian can check nutritional needs and provide education and support on healthy eating. Rehab medicine doctors (also called Physiatrists) help outpatients prevent and manage complications, a social worker can help outpatients and families cope and get back into the community, plan for the future and find resources. A speech language pathologist will also identify and treat swallowing and communication disorders as a result of spinal cord injury or disease.
Specialty Clinics
The Assistive Technology Service
Provides assessment and training for patients with special devices to meet writing needs at home, work or school. Our speech language pathologists also work closely with patients in need of voice recognition software.
The Bone Density Service
Specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and study of osteoporosis in patients with spinal cord injury or other neurological impairments.
The Gynecology Clinic
Provides gynecological care to women with impaired mobility. Services include routine pelvic examinations, counselling on fertility issues, pregnancy, menstrual irregularities and menopause.
The Robson Clinic
Provides urological care to diagnose, manage and prevent urological dysfunction. We also offer consultation on sexuality and fertility issues to male patients.
The Seating Clinic
Makes assessments and prescriptions for patients' wheelchair mobility and seating needs.
The Skin and Wound Management Clinic
Provides care and education for preventing and managing pressure ulcers.
The Intrathecal Baclofen (ITB) Clinic
Uses Intrathecal Baclofen Pump therapy to provide special care for patients with spasticity who do not respond to standard treatment. (ITB Referral Form
Neurophysiology Clinic
EMG Clinic supports the diagnosis and management of peripheral nerve disorders, such as nerve injuries, pinched nerves in the neck or back, neuropathy and nerve problems in the hands or feet that are related to illnesses. (Neurophysiology Clinic Referral Form