












 What We Do

Reducing Effects on the Shoulder Through Oncology Rehab and Education (RESTORE) is an education and exercise program that helps people with cancer who have problems in the shoulder area. RESTORE can also help people with problems in the arm, chest or neck on the same side of the body.

The program teaches participants to manage common side effects of cancer surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. It combines education and exercise to improve pain and movement. Participants will be enrolled for a 6-week session in a small group (of 4 – 6 people) that includes one hour of education followed by one hour of pool therapy in a warm water pool.

Education Classes

Topics discussed in the group education sessions include:

  1. Common shoulder problems cancer patients may experience
  2. Relaxing and stretching tight muscles (myofascial release)
  3. Axillary Web Syndrome (also known as cording)
  4. Scar Management and how to improve movement
  5. Lymphedema (addressing swelling in the chest, arm and/or hand)
  6. Posture in Every Day Situations (and course review)

Pool Therapy Sessions

The pool therapy portion of the RESTORE program teaches participants exercises such as Ai Chi movements (which are very similar to Tai Chi) to improve mobility of the shoulder. It incorporates slow, smooth movements with breathing exercises and some gentle strengthening exercises in warm water. Participants do not need to know how to swim to participate, as all exercises are done standing up in shallow water that reaches to approximately shoulder-level.

Refer to our patient education pamphlet for more information on RESTORE.

How to Prepare

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.​

 Content Materials and Resources to Help You

Visit our Health Information section to find dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information you're looking for.

 Meet Our Team

​​​​​Our patients benefit from the expertise of a wide range of skilled rehabilitation professionals who work together. Each member contributes specialized knowledge to the care we provide. The team may include the following:

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational Therapist Assistants
  • Physiotherapist Assistants
  • Kinesiologist

Program Manager: William Cachia

Program Creator: Patrice de Peiza, OT Reg.(Ont.), ND, MScCH, CLT-UE​

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