There are several types of clinical trials. Each type tries to answer a different research question, or address a different concern.
Prevention Trials
Studies that try to find a way to prevent or reduce a person's chances of getting cancer.
Diagnostic Trials
Trials that try to improve how we find (detect) cancer or decide what is a person's risk of getting cancer. People might have a better chance of survival when the cancer can be found early.
Treatment Trials
Trials that try to find better ways to treat cancer. They might involve using drugs, cell therapy, vaccines, surgery, radiation or a combination of these.
Quality-of-Life or Supportive Care Trials
Studies that try to find better ways to improve the comfort or well-being of patients who have or had cancer.
Correlative Studies
As a patient in the Cancer Program, you might be asked to take part in a research study that involves giving blood samples or studying cancer tissue. These are called "Correlative Studies". Correlative Studies try to improve our understanding of how cancer develops and responds to different types of treatment. These studies can help researchers develop new or improved treatments for future patients.
Molecular Profiling or "Tumour Genomic Profiling"
This is testing that looks at the genetic make-up of tumours. You will usually need to have a blood test or biopsy so researchers can look at the DNA of cancer cells. They look for changes in the genes of cancer cells to help diagnose and treat cancer.