About Palliative Rotation at Toronto Western & Kensington Hospice

​​The Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) Palliative Care Clinical Rotation is comprised of 2 weeks on the TWH Palliative Care Consult Service and 2 weeks at Kensington Hospice (38 Major St.).

TWH Palliative Consult serves patients with non-malignant diagnoses, such as heart failure, respiratory diseases, dementia, stroke, or malignant diagnoses requiring symptom management in the context of end-stage disease with an expected prognosis of < 12 months, end-of-life care in hospital and/or assistance with planning for palliative care at home or hospice and palliative care unit.

The Kensington Hospice is a residential hospice that serves patients with an end-stage illness and an expected prognosis of < 3 months, and goals of care of symptom management only. The hospice focus is on improving quality of life and getting the most out of each day in a warm, home-like setting.​


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