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Better Patient Care with Lean3736210/6/2020 9:51:25 PM10/6/2020 9:51:25 PMand Tess Devji at the new check-out station implemented through Lean at Lyndhurst Centre in a trapeze-like exercise program – and the Lean program has helped get her back on her STS_ListItem_850{3DF115A3-45DB-4D4B-AFEA-F8360C011D73}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
Shorter patient visits, higher satisfaction with Lean3805110/6/2020 9:52:19 PM10/6/2020 9:52:19 PMjourney and decided the Fracture Clinic would benefit from the support of Lean methodology WATCH: To learn more about how Lean is making change at UHN, watch this video STS_ListItem_850{3029E8EA-88A5-43DA-BA92-149B16C155AF}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
Thinking differently, leading differently3924910/31/2016 10:45:14 AM10/31/2016 10:45:14 AMStephen's Top 3 Lean Lead Learnings The Lean Lead role has demonstrated that when leaders combine their experience with the Lean skills of facilitating, coaching and problem STS_ListItem_850{1D74C943-AA16-4821-B272-DB2E245876E1}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
UHN participates in provincial conversation on improving patient safety 395146/21/2016 10:45:40 AM6/21/2016 10:45:40 AMIn the true spirit of Lean, managers gave the visitors and members of the Lean Learning Community an honest appraisal of how STS_ListItem_850{35797A7C-3F61-4E94-B153-AB67AF0CCBDE}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
Concussion Clinic Referral Form44795/9/2024 4:23:58 PM5/9/2024 4:23:58 PM  Only patients with concussion/mild traumatic brain injury are seen in this clinic. We do off the examination table. □ Do not lean on equipment for support. Most hospital equipment STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{836B502B-FD6C-47D4-A6E9-266374B09F6C}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Memory Clinic Referral Form48817/8/2022 3:37:30 PM7/8/2022 3:37:30 PMPLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT ACCEPT PATIENTS FOR ASSESSMENT OR MANAGEMENT WHO HAVE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS : • Under 55 with no family history of □ Do not lean on equipment for support STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{7A1AAB8A-6EF4-4E6C-9676-4213AFD70172}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Leader Standard Work is a recipe for success382464/3/2017 10:45:54 AM4/3/2017 10:45:54 AML) and Antonia Cole, say working with the Lean team on Leader Standard Work has led to there is an emergency and we collaborated with our Lean coach to adapt it to work for us STS_ListItem_850{D9C06184-07B6-40D3-BF26-9553EC8B2572}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
UHN managers visit car manufacturing plant to test drive process 393449/1/2015 10:45:46 AM9/1/2015 10:45:46 AMits processes, which is why UHN's Lean team regularly takes groups of managers out there The Lean Process Improvement department within UHN works with teams to help them learn STS_ListItem_850{4F860E76-1A22-4FE8-8B6F-CDA212C61A96}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
Healthy eating tips for stroke prevention 377745/2/2013 12:43:46 AM5/2/2013 12:43:46 AMChoose foods low in sodium such as unprocessed lean meats, fish and vegetables and fruit Including lower fat dairy products and lean meats can help with blood pressure control STS_ListItem_850{ADDFFAD4-76CC-45C0-8478-D630687A462F}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616
Michael Nader named UHN’s new EVP, Clinical Operations386465/27/2016 11:01:04 AM5/27/2016 11:01:04 AMHe holds a Lean Executive Director accreditation from Lean Sensei International, a Masters of Arts STS_ListItem_850{5FB3C606-8B3D-44FF-8CA5-DD97685B6065}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_WebPage.js1616

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