Dr. Brian Hodges, (top row, left) Executive Vice-President of Education, is the most popular Twitter user among UHN scientists with more than 1,800 Followers while President and CEO, Dr. Peter Pisters (top row, middle), has had the largest increase in Followers over the past year. (Photo: UHN)
It's back! The new and improved Top 10 list of UHN scientists on Twitter is here with a revised metric and a bonus list – the Top 5 UHN and Foundations leadership on Twitter.
The Top 10 list was
first launched one year ago to examine why our scientists have embraced Twitter, the online social networking service.
The clear message was that Twitter is another useful news and information tool to help spread word of UHN's groundbreaking innovations and expertise. It allows worldwide dissemination of our work and promotes discourse with colleagues and the general public, all in an effort to advance the field of healthcare and improve patient care.
Above all – everyone agreed – it takes time and energy to be successful on Twitter.
The 2015 ranking is based on each scientist's Followers as of October 15, 2015. UHN Executive Vice-President of Education Dr. Brian Hodges came first with more than 1,800 Followers. UHN President and CEO Dr. Peter Pisters had the greatest year-over-year growth with an increase of 622 Followers since last October.
The busiest tweeter was Princess Margaret Cancer Centre`s Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz, who churned out nearly 800 tweets in the past year.
New to our survey this year is the Top 5 Twitter users from UHN Foundations and Leadership, which is led by Paul Alofs, (top left), CEO of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. (Photo: UHN)
Two newcomers cracked this year's Top 10 - Dr. Joseph Cafazzo of the Centre for eHealth Innovation and Dr. Michael Baker, the Rose Family Chair in Medicine.
Dr. Gospodarowicz`s colleagues at the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation lead the way with three of the new Top 5 list of UHN and Foundation leadership. PMCF CEO Paul Alofs is a prodigious communicator – so far generating over 6,000 tweets since signing on to Twitter in 2009, a pace of about 1,000 tweets per year.
Take a look to see who`s on the lists, and click on their Twitter handle to Follow!
1. Dr. Brian Hodges
UHN EVP of Education,
Tweets: 1,983
Followers: 1,853
2. Dr. Joseph Cafazzo
UHN Centre for Global eHealth Innovation
Tweets: 1,100
Followers: 1,744
3. Dr. Peter Pisters
UHN President
Tweets: 1,474
Followers: 1,669
4. Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz
Medical Director,
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Tweets: 2,851
Followers: 1,533
5. Dr. Tony Finelli
Surgical Oncologist,
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Tweets: 737
Followers: 1509
6. Dr. Andrea Furlan
TRI - Chronic Pain Management
Tweets: 2,140
Followers: 1,305
7. Dr. Michael Fehlings
Director, Spine Program,
TWH Krembil Neuroscience Centre
Tweets: 1,505
Followers: 1,005
8. Dr. M. Gardam
UHN Director of Infection
Prevention and Control
Tweets: 374
Followers: 887
9. Dr. Michael Baker
UHN Rose Family Chair in Medicine
Tweets: 945
Followers: 753
9. Dr. Charles Tator
Canadian Sports Concussion Project
TWH Krembil Neuroscience Centre
Tweets: 58
Followers: 718
UHN and Foundations Leadership Top 5 on Twitter
1. Paul Alofs
Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Tweets: 6,191
Followers: 2,070
2. Kevin Shea
Director, Public Relations
Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Tweets: 1,185
Followers: 726
4. Sherri Freedman
Chief Development Officer
Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Tweets: 1,693
Followers: 419
5. Cindy Yelle
President and CEO
Toronto Rehab Foundation
Tweets: 227
Followers: 393