UHN Outpatient Pharmacies and Wellness have teamed up to support those looking to quit smoking. (Video: UHN)
This week is Smoking Cessation Week. UHN has a variety of resources to help you kick the habit.
"Smoking cessation can have a positive influence in the health of our patients and employees," says Dr. John Granton, Head, Division of Respirology, UHN.
"Helping patients quit smoking has been shown to decrease health care utilization and reduce re-hospitalization and postsurgical complications."
Smokers routinely interact with health care providers and the health care system. These interactions represent opportunities to educate and support smoking cessation efforts.
"Despite what many people think, most smokers are interested in quitting," says Dr. Granton.
"Clinicians and health systems are in frequent contact with smokers, and have high credibility with smokers, so we have a unique opportunity to help smokers deal with their nicotine addiction."
How we can help
UHN Outpatient Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Programs offer structured, one-on-one quit smoking services to all UHN patients, family members and staff, regardless of drug coverage status. This complimentary consultation service is provided by a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist.
Since the program launched, many UHN patients and staff members have already made important steps toward a healthier lifestyle and successfully quit. The Outpatient Pharmacy offers convenient access to prescription smoking cessation aids and a variety of nicotine replacement products.
You can book an appointment by emailing QuitSmoking@uhn.ca.
What services are available?This program provides:
- A personalized assessment of health and smoking history to help participants better understand their triggers for smoking and improve their motivation to quit.
- A Quit Plan, including information about quit smoking aids and medications, as well as tips on overcoming any potential barriers to quitting during the quit journey.
- A detailed follow-up strategy, which can include one-on-one appointments with a Certified Smoking Cessation Pharmacist, telephone calls and emails to help clients stay on track.
New Year, New You
"Going forward, we need to turn every interaction with smokers into an opportunity for support and provide them with the means and opportunity to properly deal with their nicotine addiction," Dr. Granton says.
"If we succeed, we will see an improvement in their health and better outcomes from our treatments."
"This week is an opportunity to learn what resources are available at UHN. As part of our collective New Year's Resolution, let's start to work towards having a conversation with our colleagues and our patients," adds Dr. Granton.
Pharmacy Smoking Cessation Education booths will be available this week.
Time and locations:
- Toronto Western Hospital
Wednesday, January 20th – 11AM to 2PM
TW Shoppers Drug Mart - Main Atrium - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Wednesday, January 20th – 11AM to 2PM
PM Outpatient Pharmacy - Main Atrium - Toronto General Hospital
Thursday, January 21st – 11AM to 2PM
TG Eaton Lobby (Across from Gift Shop)
We look forward to seeing you!