The collaborative colposcopy program, located at Women’s College Hospital, will be interdisciplinary, will allow for enhanced patient screening and a robust research database. (Photo: growingalthletes.ca)
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and Women's College Hospital have forged a clinical partnership, incorporating colposcopy programs and establishing a Centre of Excellence in Colposcopy Care.
By consolidating these two colposcopy programs into one, the new program will be collaborative, interdisciplinary and will allow for enhanced patient screening. There will also be better education for patients and staff, and expansion of an already robust research database. The program will be led by Dr. Joan Murphy, a leading gynecologic oncologist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.
Colposcopy (kol-POS-koh-pee) is a diagnostic procedure allowing close examination of the cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease and usually is required after an abnormal screen (Pap) test or other observed abnormalities.
Patient's undergoing colposcopy at Women's College Hospital will be seamlessly integrated into cancer pathways at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre if found to have malignancy.
The new Centre of Excellence in Colposcopy Care will raise the bar for colposcopy best practices. It is particularly relevant at this time when best practices and quality indicators are being developed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and Cancer Care Ontario.
New location for patients and staff
As of September 2014, colposcopy services are now located at Women's College Hospital,
76 Grenville St., Toronto, 3rd Floor. Patients will continue to receive the same care and services and will be cared for by the same physician at this new location.
If you are a patient and have an appointment booked, please note the following information:
- If your appointment is scheduled
after Friday September 12, 2014, go to Women's College Hospital. Your appointment date and time will remain the same.
- The contact information for the colposcopy clinic at Women's College Hospital is: 416.323.6321
Women's College Hospital is a world leader in the health of women and will provide an exceptional home for the Colposcopy Clinic.
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre is pleased to be a partner in establishing a Centre of Excellence in Colposcopy Care, which will enable us to continue providing women with important care and support.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre clinic at: 416 946 2220.