​We wrapped up our AGM last June with the announcement that we are integrating with Toronto Rehab. So it seems fitting that this year's annual report focuses on integration. AR Cover.png

But integration doesn't start and stop with Toronto Rehab. There are examples of integration all across UHN – our Centre for Innovation and Complex Care working with community health teams to keep patients from needing the ER in the first place; our transplant team partnering with other hospitals to get more healthy organs to more Canadians; or our Krembil Neuroscience Centre and Toronto Rehab working together to move stroke patients seamlessly between acute and rehab care.

Integration makes us stronger, and it makes the health care system stronger. And that means better care for our patients.

This year's report is all about stories – the examples above, and many more, about our staff and our patients, are featured throughout the report.

We invite you to read it online at http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/ForMedia/Pages/publications.aspx.

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