​​​​​​Last year, UHN used about 35,000 units of blood to help patients.

Now, we need our employees' help to acquire enough blood to meet the need across the country.

Canadian Blood Services (CBS) has an annual national average goal of 835,000 units of blood. To meet this demand, about 100,000 new donors are needed every year.

Rise to the challenge

blood challenge infographic
The facts and statistics on blood donations and blood need in Canada, featured in the above-captioned infographic, highlight the importance of consistent blood donations.​

To promote awareness and increase blood donations, CBS organizes the Annual South Central Ontario Hospital Challenge with a goal of 1,000 unit donations. The sixth Annual South Central Ontario Hospital Challenge, running from June 1 to July 31, features 20 participating hospitals.

This challenge has grown significantly since it started in 2010 with a total of seven participating hospitals. By 2014, the number of hospitals had grown to 18.

All participating hospitals have a combined annual goal of 1,880 donated units. That goal has been consistently met, with almost 50 per cent of the donations taking place during the Hospital Challenge.

UHN's Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto Rehab Institute are repeat contributors amongst the 20 hospitals participating this year.

How to help:

  1. Register at www.blood.ca/en/blood/how-do-i-join-team by clicking "Register as a Member Online." Enter your personal information and your employing hospital's Partner For Life (PFL) ID number and then click "Finish." The UHN hospitals' PFL ID numbers are:
    1. Princess Margaret – PRIN010907
    2. Toronto General – UNIV011216
    3. Toronto Western – TORO011007
    4. Toronto Rehab – TORO013276
  2. Call 1-888-2-DONATE or visit www.blood.ca and make an appointment at your nearest blood clinic.

In order for the blood donation to count towards the Hospital Challenge, donating parties (employees) must register and identify their hospital's PFL ID number, as instructed above, before donating.

If employees have donated any time from January 2015 onwards without providing their hospital's PFL ID number, they can retroactively make it count towards this challenge by simply completing the above-outlined online registration form.​​​​

Blood 10​1 – Did you know?
  • In 2014, Toronto General Hospital used about 21,000 units of blood, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre used 11,000 units and Toronto Western Hospital used 3,000 units.
  • It can take up to 50 units of blood to save a single car accident victim.
  • It can take eight units of blood, per week, to help someone battling leukemia.
  • The most common blood type in Canada is O, making it the most needed blood type for donations.
  • A unit contains 450 ml of blood and that is the amount taken from donors every visit. A healthy person can donate a unit of blood every 56 days, or six times a year.
  • The blood type O- is universal, meaning it can be transfused to anyone in need, regardless of the recipient’s blood type.
  • Individuals with AB+ blood type are called universal recipients, and can receive blood transfusions from any blood type.

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