Caring Voices, an online community for anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis, has added cancers of the gastrointestinal (GI) system to its website. Caring Voices is an initiative of the PMH Cancer Survivorship Program that offers anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis the opportunity to learn and interact with others from the comfort of home, at any time.

GI cancers include anal, appendix, bile duct, carcinoid tumour, colorectal, duodenal, esophageal, gall bladder, liver, pancreatic, rectal, small intestine and stomach (gastric). Like the general, breast, gynecologic and hematologic cancer communities on Caring Voices, the GI community offers scheduled chats, forums, and resources tailored to the needs of GI patients and survivors.

Many of the scheduled chats on Caring Voices are led by health care professionals, such as social workers and nurses, to provide general information for patients, family members and survivors.

Chat topics include:

  • Questions About Radiation Therapy – led by a radiation therapist
  • Paying for Meds without Emptying my Pockets – led by a social worker and medication reimbursement specialist
  • Supporting Your Kids when a Parent Has Cancer – led by a social worker 

Resources on Caring Voices are all reviewed by a librarian at PMH and are carefully selected to spark discussions and comments by Caring Voices users.

Visit and click on the Gastrointestinal Cancer Community to see more of what the new community has to offer.

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