Congratulations to Dr. Mary Gospodarowicz, Medical Director of the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, for her appointment as a University Professor at the University of Toronto.
The University of Toronto owes much of its reputation and stature to the quality of its eminent professors. The University recognizes unusual scholarly achievement and pre-eminence in a particular field of knowledge through the designation of University Professor.
The number of such appointments does not generally exceed two per cent of the tenured faculty. Its exclusivity stands to underline the highly prestigious nature of the University Professor designation.
Dr. Gospodarowicz holds specialty certifications in internal medicine, radiation oncology, and medical oncology and her clinical practice involves lymphomas and genitourinary cancers. Her research is focused on clinical trials evaluating radiation therapy in lymphomas and GU cancers, image-guided precision radiotherapy, and cancer survivorship. Her current interests include global cancer control, global access to radiotherapy, and quality cancer care.
Dr. Lisa Richardson, General Internal Medicine Physician at UHN and Curricular Co-Lead in Indigenous Health Education at the University of Toronto, has been awarded the Royal College's 2017 Dr. Thomas Dignan Indigenous Health Award for her continued advocacy work with the medical school at the University of Toronto.
With fellow award recipient and co-lead of Indigenous Health Education, Dr. Jason Pennington, Dr. Richardson founded the Office of Indigenous Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine and successfully advocated for the hiring of an Elder-in-Residence and an Indigenous Program Coordinator to assist with student learning and support. Together, they are increasing Indigenous student admissions, building a strong curriculum in Indigenous health, and nurturing a vibrant and resilient cohort of Canadian Indigenous physicians.
Dr. Richardson also organized an elective at U of T where students write self-reflective pieces after having spent several weeks visiting different Indigenous organizations in Toronto. This course has increased students' understanding of colonization and its impacts, and what their role should be as a health provider for Indigenous patients.
Congratulations Dr. Richardson!
Congratulations to Dr. John Dick, Senior Scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, for receiving the the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Tobias Award Lecture.
Established in 2016, this award recognizes original and promising basic hematology research and direct translational or clinical research related to cell therapy in hematological disorders.
Dr. Dick is one of the world's leading researchers on blood stem cells, and he has researched leukaemia for more than 30 years. His discoveries have led to significant advances in cancer biology that have opened new areas of inquiry.
Sandra Mills, Patient and Family Educator at Toronto Rehab's Spinal Cord Rehab Program, has received the 2017 Toronto Professional of the Year Award – Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.
Congratulations Sandra!
Congratulations to the winners of the General Surgery Teaching Awards 2017:
- Frank Mills Teaching Award for Faculty: Dr. Jaime Escallon
- Paddy Lewis Award for Clinical Fellow: Dr. Nathan Zilbert
- Paddy Lewis Award for Senior Resident TWH: Dr. Sha Ullah
- Paddy Lewis Award for Senior Resident TGH: Dr. Jonah Shiroky
- Paddy Lewis Award for Junior Resident TWH: Dr. Stephanie Tung
- Paddy Lewis Award for Junior Resident TGH: Dr. Khaled Ramadan
These awards are presented annually in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the education of medical students, residents and faculty in the Division of General Surgery.
Dr. Amit Oza is this year's recipient of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology of Canada (GOC) Presidential Medal.
The Presidential Medal is presented by the GOC nominating committee to persons or organizations who have significantly contributed to the field of gynecologic oncology. The medal is the GOC's highest recognition, and one that acknowledges Dr. Oza's role in leading clinical trials, the advancement of treatment of gynecological cancers in Canada, and achieving global impact through the evaluation of novel therapeutic approaches.
Dr. Oza is the Head of Medical Oncology and Hematology at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. He is an internationally renowned clinical scientist who has led numerous clinical trials, was instrumental in creating the UHN Drug Development Program, played a key role in expanding clinical trials, created the Princess Margaret Consortium for early phase clinical trials and has advanced the Cancer Clinical Research Unit.
Congratulations Dr. Oza!
Congratulations to the MyUHNPortal and UHN QIP Discharge Summary Program teams for being named two of six finalists from all of Canada at the PwC Vision 2 Reality awards – Innovator of the Year category.
The Vision to Reality (V2R) Innovator of the Year Award is PwC Canada's annual program aimed at recognizing and celebrating the most innovative organizations in the nation.
UHN launched its Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) DS Program to improve timeliness of completion and delivery, and quality of documentation. This has ensured fostering a tight-knit circle of care in the community we serve, communicating a summary of patients' hospital stay to community care providers, ensuring timely follow-ups, and preventing adverse events and readmissions for UHN patients who depend on UHN for safe and quality care.
The myUHN Patient Portal Team is a collaboration between UHN Digital, Patient Experience and patient participants to create a platform that makes online health records accessible has made an excellent difference in the patient experience at UHN.
Volunteer Resources is pleased to announce that Khalid Fahoum, Shan Lee, Gianluca Calcagno, Dipashree Chatterjee and Annie (Yidong) Zhan have been chosen as the winners of the 14th annual Medical Staff Association (MSA) Volunteer Educational Award.
This Award recognizes volunteers who have shown an exceptional commitment to volunteering at University Health Network while pursuing their post-secondary education. In keeping with the spirit of giving and education, the award is given to five deserving students in a post-secondary program and is based on their volunteer contributions, their academic performance as well as an essay that captures their volunteer experience.
Each year, this award attracts a large number of submissions from volunteers and the selection of the final candidates from those submissions is never easy. This year was no exception.
Khalid, Shan, Gianluca, Dipashree and Annie will each receive $1000 towards their post-secondary tuition.
We congratulate them on their accomplishment and thank Dr. John Granton and Dr. Eric Horlick, and the Medical Staff Association, as well as Emma Pavlov, Executive Vice President, Human Resources and OD for their support of our volunteers.