Gluetn-free Apple Polenta Stuffing​​
Chef Geremy Capone shows off his Apple Polenta Stuffing, a perfect substitute for those going gluten-free.
​(Photo: Geremy Capone)

With the holidays around the corner, many people are already preparing for the big day. But for those on a gluten-free diet, indulging in this festive meal can be a challenge.

Expert chef Geremy Capone and dietitian Christy Brissette from ELLICSR Kitchen are serving up a solution by creating a gluten-free holiday dinner complete with all the traditional fixings.

The four-course menu is designed for those with dietary restrictions. This can include patients with cancer and chronic illnesses that prevent the consumption of gluten. Ingredients are fresh, seasonal and full of antioxidants.

"More and more patients are asking for gluten-free meal options," said Brissette. "We wanted to create a holiday dinner for people who are avoiding gluten because of celiac disease, gluten intolerance or dietary restrictions."

Capone and Brissette host a weekly cooking show in the ELLICSR: Health, Wellness, and Cancer Survivorship Centre, part of Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, are featured on


With nutrition notes on the gluten-free Ingredients by Christy Brissette, RD.

Click each link to find the live cooking instructions and demonstration for each dish from ELLICSR.

Wild Rice and Charred Carrot Soup

  • Wild rice is a type of edible grass that is higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than brown rice. It also contains more vitamin A (needed for healthy eyes) and folate (needed for red blood cell formation) than brown rice.

Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts Au Gratin

  • Like many whole grains, millet is rich in plant nutrients such as phytic acid and phytate. Phytic acid may help to lower levels of "lousy" LDL cholesterol, while phytate is being studied for its potential to reduce cancer risk.


Glazed slow-cooked Turkey with Apple Polenta Stuffing and Herbed Mushroom Gravy

  • Several research studies have shown that the fibre in corn supports the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon. These bacteria convert the fibre into energy for the cells of the intestines and reduce colon cancer risk.
  • Quinoa contains heart-healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids (the same type found in olive oil) and small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory effect on blood vessels.

Maple and Pumpkin Almond Cookies

  • Almonds aren't really nuts, but are the seed of a fruit that grows on the almond tree. Including almonds in the diet has been shown to raise levels of "healthy" HDL cholesterol and lower levels of "lousy" LDL cholesterol, reducing hardening of the arteries and heart disease risk.

Chef Capone and R.D. Brissette host a cooking show in ELLICSR kitchen. To find the schedule, please visit:

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