![Concert for patient with heart condition](/corporate/News/PublishingImages/Pages/concert_for_patient/TG_MonicaParfitt_concertPatientwithHeartCondition_Choir_image_400x300.jpg)
Celestial music filled Toronto General Hospital’s DeGasperis Conservatory when Cantores Celestes Women’s Choir gathered to sing for cardiac patient, Monica Parfitt. (Photo: UHN)
"Where words fail, music speaks." - Hans Christian Andersen
Celestial music filled Toronto General Hospital's DeGasperis Conservatory on Saturday morning, Nov.23. Members of Cantores Celestes Women's Choir gathered to sing for patient, Monica Parfitt.
Monica, who has been in the Coronary Intensive Care Unit since the spring waiting for a new heart, has courageously battled ongoing heart problems for over 25 years. The Cantores Celestes concert was organized for her and anyone else who felt inspired to listen to the soothing choral music.
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Monica was thrilled with the concert: "The choir has meant so much to me over the years; it was wonderful to have them come to sing for me," she said.
Cantores Celestes, a Toronto-based choir led by Kelly Galbraith with accompanist Ellen Meyer, sang for all who came to listen, but especially for Monica – a beloved choir member of 17 years.
"We sang for Monica," said Galbraith. "Her fortitude and will to carry on have inspired us, and our best gift was to surround her with singing and love. We also hope it helped others who may have dropped by or heard us. There are so many people in need and music really is food for the soul."
"Working with a number of staff members, the hospital's Volunteer Resources 'moved mountains' to arrange the concert. Cantores Celestes members were profoundly touched to be able to share their song with Monica and her family," added Galbraith.