UHN is holding its first Collaborate Academic Practice (CAP) Research and Innovation Day Thursday in the MaRS Discovery Centre Auditorium. The event will provide a forum for health professionals to discuss the work and achievements of CAP research.
The first Collaborative Academic Practice (CAP) Research and Innovation Day will be held Thursday in the MaRS Discovery Centre Auditorium.
The goal of this event is to stimulate interest in the CAP research and innovation enterprise, and to provide a forum for CAP health professionals to present and discuss their work in research and innovation.
The theme for the conference is "Better Together:
Engaging and Partnering with Patients in Research and Innovation."
This event is built on the success and legacy of UHN Nursing Research Day and the UHN Health Professions/Allied Health Research Days. Program highlights include:
- A keynote address from Dr. Andreas Laupacis, Executive Director of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute at St. Michael's Hospital
- Nine presentations showcasing research and innovation produced by UHN CAP health professionals
- A facilitated panel discussion where participants will share their insights and experiences of engaging and partnering between patients and health care professionals on research and innovation activities within CAP
Twenty two poster presentations on a range of topics, with two "People's Choice Awards" to be given to the best posters.
Come to hear about your colleagues' exciting work and to engage with CAP research leaders from across UHN , building the vision of what is possible in the intersections of education, research and practice here.
To view the full program
click here