Dawn Tymianski is a Nurse Practitioner in Neuroscience Outreach at Toronto Western Hospital.
National Nursing Week 2015 runs May 11-17. To mark the occasion, UHN News is running a series of stories in which nurses talk about their career. Today, Dawn Tymianski discusses her career.
What you do
I am a Nurse Practitioner and researcher in Neuroscience Outreach at Toronto Western Hospital.
Research provides me the opportunity to question and engage in in-depth discovery to explain theories, methods and people's experiences.
How did you get here?
I have always valued my career opportunities, my role with patients, and working with outstanding thoughtful people as a privilege. I have remained a hopeless optimist and have never stopped asking questions of myself, of my colleagues or of our profession.
National Nursing Week
May 11-17, 2015
I like to put vision into action, bring others onto my bus for the journey and dip my toe in the water to see how it feels.
Working in organizations that support creativity, tenacity and intellectual discovery is transformational and only makes me want to ask more questions.
Leadership is about vision, quietly listening, providing the springboard for change and remaining authentic to myself.
Career Advice
Be provocative, reflective, and always remain passionate about what you do. Enjoy your journey.