Longtime UHN volunteer June Davis knows patients can feel a little anxious ahead of their appointment.
So, June, who began volunteering at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in January 1983, has always taken the time to engage with patients in hopes of making them feel more comfortable, whether in the Multiple Myeloma Clinic when she first started more than 40 years ago or in the Hematology Clinic where she volunteers now.
"I hope that by talking with them they might feel a little less stressed," says June. "We talk about their drive in, about a local sports team, or I compliment them on their sweater or jazzy socks."
National Volunteer Week is April 14 to 20 in Canada. At UHN, the Volunteer Resources program features nearly 500 people who work in a wide range of volunteer roles, including navigators, Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) hand hygiene auditors, patient tray auditors in the Nutrition Department, administrative support, clinic/waiting room support, members of the Healing Beyond the Body program, volunteers in pet therapy and rehabilitation support roles with occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology, therapeutic recreation and patient wellness partners.
Volunteering matters. Every volunteer at UHN makes a key contribution toward the positive experience of patients and supporting staff.
A former nurse who left the profession after a few years to raise her children, June says volunteering at the Princess Margaret seemed like a great way to continue to contribute to the health care world that was familiar to her. Over the years, she has seen changes brought on by construction at the cancer centre and the evolution of UHN.
But June says the constant has been the satisfaction she gets from volunteering.
"I would encourage anyone to volunteer," says June, who when not in her role at the Princess Margaret enjoys watching the Toronto Blue Jays and Maple Leafs, reading, doing puzzles and crosswords, going for walks and visiting with friends and family. “The Volunteer Resources staff are friendly and helpful, and the Volunteer Supervisors are wonderful.
"UHN is a great place to volunteer and it is a great way to help people in need of a friendly face or voice when they are afraid, stressed, or hurting. I have always found volunteering to be a two-way street – I give something of myself, but I receive something in return as well."