Kevin Smith and Adalsteinn Brown
Kevin Smith (L) is President & CEO of University Health Network. Adalsteinn Brown is Dean and Professor at the University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health. (Photos: Visual Services, UHN, U of T)

By Kevin Smith and Adalsteinn Brown

Like every other domain of science, healthcare leaders must manage the onslaught of new evidence and insight. The number of papers published each month that describe what to do or what not to do to improve healtcare would overwhelm even the most diligent student, let alone a busy manager or policy advisor. It also takes away the chance to reflect on individual papers and what they say about how our health systems are evolving.

As Dean of Canada's largest school of public health and health systems and CEO of Canada's largest research hospital responsible for many patients, we too experience this time crunch and want to help by unpacking new health system research. Over the next year, we are going to pick a paper each month and use that paper as an opportunity to talk about how our health system is changing and what we can do to help or guide that transformation.

  • Read the full blog [Editor's Note: Link is no longer available]

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