Geoff Fernie, Peter Pisters and Mark Rochon on stage with the winners of the 2015 Team Excellence Awards and the Joel Verwegen Award. (Photo: UHN)
Solving big societal problems was at the top of the agenda of the 11th Annual Toronto Rehab Research Day hosted on November 18.
Eighty-six Toronto Rehab research trainees from 11 research teams had one-minute each to present on how their research will make a difference in the lives of Canadians.
"There are a lot of big problems to solve," said Dr. Geoff Fernie, Director, Research, Toronto Rehab, in the opening remarks of Research Day. "A lot of people are affected by the problems we are going to solve…we have to have the courage to tackle them."
here for the Toronto Star's feature on Research Day and examples of the projects showcased.