
Robert Krembil imageThe Krembil Discovery Centre isn't just a scientific and architectural marvel — it is a testament to the generosity of our donors. In late 2009, the fundraising campaign marked a major milestone: more than $60 million raised in private funds. UHNews spoke with Robert Krembil, KDC's lead donor, about what the Centre means to him and his family:

What made you and your family decide to support this project?
We have been involved with neuroscience at TWH for several years and have observed the evolving breadth and depth of talent. Our team of scientists and clinicians is exceptionally impressive on many dimensions in comparison to other neuroscience centers around the world. It is time to have a facility that is appropriate for such a renowned group.

What role do you see the Centre playing in health care research?
Dr. Peter St George-Hyslop believes that one of the key biological and clinical questions in five or 10 years from now will be: "How does one repair the nervous system that has been damaged by birth defect, disease or injury?" This Centre will play a pivotal role in providing answers to that question.

What advice do you have for other business leaders who are interested in supporting research in Canada?
That is difficult for me to do since it is such personal thing. For someone with my temperament and inclinations, I would advise finding a subject that you are passionate about and that can benefit from significant research. Then go 'deep' and do it in a manner that is more than just the financial commitment.​

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