The Michener Institute of Education at UHN has been asked by Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to partner on the development of a new registry for personal support workers (PSWs).
The registry will allow patients and families to access information such as education and training credentials, and incorporate PSWs working in different health sectors, including home and community care and long-term care.
Dr. Brian Hodges, Executive Vice President of Education at the University Health Network, called the registry an "exciting project."
"We were engaged by the Ministry due to our reputation as a forward thinking and unique academic institution dedicated to innovative practices in educating healthcare professionals, and a long standing history of contribution to health labour force planning," Dr. Hodges said in an email to Michener staff.
The registry will be phased in beginning in January 2018 and bring PSWs in line with other health care professionals in Ontario, whose background information is publically accessible through online databases.
For more information on the partnership, read the
full press release.