For Sia Maro, Canada is a land of freedom and opportunity.
Now an administrative assistant in the Toronto Western Hospital Management Office, Sia originally came to Canada for university. She saw something unique in this country, and eventually made it her home.
"You are the captain of your ship and you drive that ship to your own success," Sia says. "You define what your own success is and Canada gives you that opportunity to do that. I like that."
Sia is one of many UHN employees who have come to Canada from around the world. In this country, and at UHN, they have found a new home.
To celebrate Canada 150, we're telling audio stories in a podcast series to celebrate our diverse community at UHN. Every Thursday, we'll share a new story about one of our employees who came to Canada from around the world, or a story about an employee whose family has called Canada home for thousands of years. Tune in weekly for a new story on our podcast, Home.
Listen to Sia's full story by subscribing to Home on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and Podbean. You can also follow along on UHN's Podcast Hub.