A thought-provoking new video by UHN on medical errors and preventable harm was screened by President and CEO Dr. Peter Pisters at Wednesday’s Annual General Meeting. (Video: UHNToronto YouTube)
It's a provocative and wide-reaching vision for UHN staff – and the entire Canadian healthcare sector.
UHN President and CEO Dr. Peter Pisters used his first Annual General meeting to call for a national discussion on medical errors and preventable harm of patients with an eye to their elimination.
Dr. Pisters, a native of St. Catharines, ON. who moved into the top post at UHN in January after nearly three decades as a surgical oncologist and hospital administrator in the United States, screened a thought-provoking new video documenting the number of such incidents at hospitals across Canada.
From objects left in patients during surgery, to falls, acquired infections and preventable deaths, the video provided statistics for these medical errors and said UHN is prepared to be a leader by kick-starting conversation on the topic because those under our care deserve nothing less.
"We are famous for what we have done," Dr. Pisters told the audience at Wednesday's meeting at the MaRS Auditorium. "We need to be famous for what we will do."