​In case you missed it, last week UHN News sat down with EVP and Chief Operating Officer, Mike Nader, to learn more about his journey – from teaching in Zimbabwe and rising in the ranks at Vancouver General Hospital, and Vancouver Coastal Health, to his cross country move joining us here in Toronto. You can read all about it here.

Reminder: Employee Engagement Pulse Survey

A reminder to have your say and complete the Employee Engagement Pulse Survey. It will only take 5 minutes and will result in meaningful improvements across the organization. The response rate is now at 30% – our goal is to reach 80% by the end of this week. You can complete the survey here.

Join me for a conversation about Caring Safely on Facebook Live

This Wednesday, October 19th at 12:30PM I will be signing onto UHN's Facebook for my first Facebook Live! In honour of Caring Safely month I will be talking about how we are creating a culture of safety across the organization. This work will help us provide safer care for our patients, and a safer workplace for everyone at UHN. If you can't log on at 12:30PM but have a question, you can send it to social@uhn.ca – the video will remain on UHN's Facebook page so you can watch it after the live broadcast. I look forward to logging on and chatting with all of you this Wednesday!

Infection Control Practitioners (ICP) are here to support you!

UHN's Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) department is committed to fostering a culture of safety by providing quality hospital-wide initiatives that reduce the risk of hospital acquired infections for patients, staff, and visitors. This week IPAC is celebrating Infection Control week. Occupational Health & Safety (OHS), Environmental Services, Toronto Public Health, and a number of representatives from Nursing have teamed up with IPAC to showcase how IPAC supports their infection control practices. Info booths will be set up in each of the site lobbies across UHN, with interactive games and prizes, and OHS will be providing flu shots for staff.

Flu Campaign

The UHN Flu Campaign kicks off today! With flu season around the corner, I encourage all of you to get your flu shot today; it will help protect you and our patients. The vaccine helps us to care safely for our patients as it reduces infection rates and improves patient outcomes. I will be getting my flu shot today, and a list of where you can get your flu shot will be posted on the Intranet later today.

Waste Reduction Week

It's Waste Reduction Week across Canada. This national environmental campaign encourages us to conserve natural resources through:

  • sustainable and responsible consumption,
  • choosing more environmentally responsible products/services, and
  • proper waste diversion practices with more recycling and composting and less landfill.

UHN is competing in an Inter-hospital Challenge with Sick Kids and Sinai Health System.  We're asking staff to let us know how green they are through a quick survey (and you could win a prize). This will give us valuable insight and showcase for our colleagues how committed UHN is to being green.


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