
Dear Colleagues,

Tomorrow is the end of National Volunteer Week and I want to recognize the men and women who support, encourage and participate in the life of this hospital as volunteers. Some are easy to recognize as they wear the UHN vests so that staff and patients know that they're here to help while others – our volunteers on the Board and all four foundations – help this hospital by contributing their time and talents on committees and out in the community talking about what we do here at UHN. And, there's a third group of volunteers – our staff, physicians and researchers who use their training and skills to help groups in our community or in countries around the world which need support in developing their own health care systems.

The generosity of spirit and the gift of time and energy is important to the wellbeing of our community and I thank you for it.

And, finally – I would like to thank the thousands of people at UHN, Sick Kids and St. Michael's who have participated in the beadonor.ca/123 campaign which has been running for eight days. Today is the final day and there have been over 3,000 people who have checked that they are registered or registered as organ donors. This is the most successful workplace campaign that Trillium Gift of Life has ever run and we had to increase our goal twice during the campaign – something which doesn't surprise me at all.


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