​Dear Colleagues,

UHN's new strategic plan UHN Strategic Directions 2016:  Global Impact – Local Accountability has been available to everyone for a few months now and we've asked for your thoughts about the plan. We have heard positive feedback from staff, patients, peer hospitals, funding bodies and community health providers and I wanted to thank you for your input and your suggestions.

The UHN Board of Trustees has been involved at every stage of planning and has now formally endorsed UHN Strategic Directions 2016: Global Impact – Local Accountability.

This plan builds on the strategies of our nine clinical programs and is designed to help them achieve their patient care, research and education goals. The plan is organized according to our Purpose Statement and contains an overarching strategic theme for each of our five Balanced Scorecard domains:

"We" – Develop the best people who will enable system leadership

"Caring" – Achieve and document exceptional outcomes for our patients

"Creative" – Become the research hospital of the future

"Accountable" – Expand our space, develop new sources of revenue, and become a leader in clinical, administrative and research information integration

"Academic" – Deliver exceptional education at all levels to enable the success of tomorrow's health care leaders

"Global Impact" – Local Accountability is a very ambitious plan which will require all of our energy and commitment. I'm extremely excited about the challenges presented by this plan and I think that you'll agree that the plan is going to push us to continue to achieve the excellence that UHN is known for.

If you have not yet had an opportunity to read our new strategic plan, I urge you to do so; it can be accessed via the URL link on the corporate intranet below. As we move towards implementation of UHN's new strategic plan in the New Year we are planning a 'virtual launch' so stay tuned for details.


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