Dear colleagues,

As the cold winter days will (hopefully) pass to make way for the warmth of spring, what better time to think about the importance of nutrition.

Every March, Nutrition Month is celebrated nationwide. It is a time when dietitians across the country remind us of the importance of healthy eating and the positive impact nutrition has on our health and well-being. 

This year's Nutrition Month campaign – Simply Cook and Enjoy! – is dedicated to serving up practical advice on cooking and food skills from dietitians, the food and nutrition experts.

Nutrition has a foundational role in health prevention, maintenance and recovery, all of which are important to us as healthcare workers.  While we may be used to using the services of Dietitians and Diet Technicians in the context of patient care, we often neglect to think about how important good nutrition is in each of our busy lives.  For more information on Nutrition Month, recipes and videos of dietitians sharing eating tips go to:

Check out the UHN calendar and All User Announcements for more details on Nutrition Month events, as well as the UHN Facebook page to find common nutrition myths.  And remember, you can always contact the Wellness Centre (14-4486) to set-up a private session with a Registered Dietitian at UHN today.

Happy Nutrition Month!


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