Dear Colleagues,

Results from the 2014 Employee Engagement Pulse Survey are in!

The Pulse survey results give us a quick snapshot of how we are trending in overall engagement and the employee experience. This year, surveys were returned by 45% of UHN staff, which is a good response rate overall. We would like to thank all of you for taking the time to complete the survey.


Key highlights:

Eighty one percent of employees rated UHN as a good, very good or excellent employer, up

1% from the 2012 Employee Engagement Survey.

UHN’s overall engagement score this year was 59%, an increase of 1% from the last survey. If you recall, our stretch goal is to reach the Canadian Average, 64% by the next comprehensive survey. This benchmark is based on Aon Hewitt’s database of Canadian companies that participated in the Best Employers Study.

This survey indicated employees are proud to work here, and by and large intend to stay with the organization. However, we have room to improve on five key drivers that impact engagement before we reach our stretch goal. These key drivers include:

  1. Recognition
  2. Work processes
  3. Managing performance
  4. Career opportunities
  5. Resources


Twenty-nine percent of employees added comments and most were about the following areas:

  1. Feeling proud of the organization and its people
  2. Improve manager/supervisor effectiveness
  3. Want more career/development opportunities
  4. Decrease workload
  5. Want more recognition


This year, we encourage all employees and leaders to think about how you can continue to contribute to improving the engagement experience for yourself, your team and your peers.

Check out the overall UHN results, by clicking on the 2014 Employee Engagement Pulse Survey on the Human Resources Intranet page.

Emma and I welcome any additional thoughts or feedback you might have about UHN.  Drop me a line at: or at Ask Emma at:


Bob and Emma

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