Dear Colleagues:

Last week, the Blood Transfusion Laboratory within the Laboratory Medicine Program (LMP) at UHN underwent their American Association of Blood Banks (aaBB) and College of American Pathologists (CAP) assessment.

We couldn't be prouder to report that our blood transfusion laboratory received a very impressive score of 99.7% on their assessment, with only 8 minor citations from almost 3,000 requirements. This is a formidable achievement for the largest blood transfusion laboratory in Canada as it is a complex, highly specialized lab that prepares over 100,000 products a year. Last year, we transfused 91,625 products to 10,812 recipients. To achieve a result like this speaks volumes to the team's daily commitment to excellence and quality.

The aaBB and CAP assessments are voluntary and the fact that our laboratory chooses to challenge itself with this intensive, high level assessment shows our commitment to serve our patients, achieving global impact, but demonstrating local accountability.

This week, the entire Laboratory Medicine Program is beginning their College of American Pathologists (CAP) assessment. Considering the high quality of work our team does every day, we are confident the entire program will do well.

The global reputation of UHN is tightly intertwined with all of the clinical programs and the Blood Transfusion Laboratory's great results from aaBB and CAP strengthen that reputation. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication in the delivery of exemplary patient care.​

Dr. Bob Bell and Dr. Charlie Chan



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