A signature, endowed annual lecture series that features a distinguished speaker with a unique and important perspective related to educating for the future of the health professions.

Featured Lecture

Ethical Implications of AI in Healthcare: What we know and what we want to know  

This panel was a follow-up event to our Dr. Daniel C. Andreae President's Lecture on the Future of Work: The Pulse of Ethical Machine Learning, which was presented by Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi (see recording below). This panel featured Dr. Atoosa Kasirzadeh (Research Lead, Alan Turing Institute & Assistant Professor, University of Edinburgh), Dr. Rhett Alden (Chief Technology Officer for Health Markets, Elsevier) and Dr. Jennifer Bell (Senior Bioethicist and Director of Bioethics Research, University Health Network) who each came with their unique perspectives on the topic, giving insights as to what is and what could be for AI in healthcare, education and research.

Our Past Lectures

The Pulse of Ethical Machine Learning

The Pulse of Ethical Machine Learning

Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi focuses on creating and applying machine learning to understand and improve health in ways that are robust, private and fair. Dr. Ghassemi will talk about her work trying to train models that do not learn biased rules or recommendations that harm minorities or minoritized populations. The Healthy ML group tackles the many novel technical opportunities for machine learning in health, and works to make important progress with careful application to this domain.

GBroadening Participation in the Scientific Workforce postcard

Broadening Participation in the Scientific Workforce

Dr. Hrabowski examined how healthcare organizations and academic institutions can support success by cultivating an empowering institutional culture. He related his educational experiences as a scholar and higher education leader. He also discussed the state of higher education today, increasing access to education, and the responsibility for training the next generation of scientists and healthcare professionals.

Gender Equity in Research, an Open Forum

Elsevier Gender Report 2020: The Researcher Journey Through a Gender Lens

The Open Forum event was a virtual discussion of two resources, the lecture by The Honorable Kirsty Duncan, and the Elsevier Gender Report 2020: The Researcher Journey Through a Gender Lens. It was not recorded. Comments from participants:

"It was very helpful to see the data. The comments in the session reinforced my own thoughts – so in other words I am not alone"
"There is a lot of work and expertise on gender and inclusion around the table, but the topic is an emotional one."

Dismantling Structures to Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dismantling Structures to Support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Our panelists discussed how the research community can work towards meaningful and sustainable change. With representation from the federal government, publishing, and the university research community, expect to hear creative and far-reaching actions for diversity, equity and inclusion in healthcare, education and research, possibilities that will challenge you to choose change in your own work.

The Future of Work: Recovering Better

Recovering Better: Why Science Must Choose to Include

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, PhD

While equity, diversity and inclusion are essential for better science, the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified long-standing gender inequities that threaten to erode hard-fought gains. The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Member of Parliament for Etobicoke North, explores these impacts and make recommendations on how science should respond.

Future of Work: Race after Technology

Race after Technology

Ruha Benjamin, PhD

Dr. Benjamin discusses her book Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code. She examines the relationship between machine bias and systemic racism, analyzing specific cases of "discriminatory design" and offering tools for a socially-conscious approach to tech development. Note: Please email for the password to access the lecture video.


With thanks to Elsevier, our sponsor for the Dr. Daniel C. Andreae President's Lecture Series on the Future of Work.

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