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What to Expect When Getting High-Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy to Treat Gynecological Cancer (Inpatient Treatment)1973381/17/2025 2:43:27 PM2
Know What to Expect When Having a Feeding Tube Inserted as an Outpatient5953651/3/2025 2:41:49 PMJames Smith, Jennifer Deering, Lisa Tinker, Simonne Simon, Joanne Pun For patients who will have a feeding tube inserted (put in) at the hospital and will go home the same day 2
Your doctor: Dr Dean Elterman6276501/9/2025 5:36:13 PM2
Helpful Hints for Better Sleep - D-55363547312/10/2024 10:17:13 PMFor patients and family members who are having trouble sleeping Please update your links and bookmarks8836
Cleaning Your Skin Before Your Surgery at University Health Network (UHN) - D-86535746872/2/2024 1:29:06 PMCleaning Your Skin Before Your Surgery at University Health Network (UHN) Information for patients and families You play an important role in your own health U Do not use it on your 24348
From the Heart: Your Heart Surgery at Peter Munk Cardiac Centre6232651/2/2025 10:12:14 PMA guide for patients and families p>This booklet has general information about heart surgery, your hospital stay and your recovery after surgery 1
Managing Caregiver Stress: caring for a loved one - D-85233563712/10/2024 11:10:11 PMPlease update your links and bookmarks7978
How to Protect Your Joints: for people with arthritis - Chinese - D-5855B1847512/19/2022 1:49:41 PM關節炎可能是痛苦的,使每天的活動變得困難 這本小冊子將 向您展示如何保護您的關節 這有助於減輕疼痛並阻止對關節 的進一步損傷 我該如何保護手和手腕 : Traditional Chinese Form: D-5855B2 關節和關節炎 正常的關節是什麼樣子的 關節是兩塊骨頭連接的部 位 肌肉和韌帶將骨骼固定 在原位 關節炎會導致關節腫脹 ˖ 使您的關節不 108
Healthy Eating to Reduce the Risk of Stroke - Chinese - D-5869B216134/6/2022 3:29:56 PM健康飲食可協助您預防中風 以下是有關健康飲食的指引 。 每日食用種類豐富的食物 * 將餐盤用作健康飲食的份量標準 ˖ 每餐食用種類豐富的蔬菜及水果 ˖ 飯後甜品盡量選擇水果 ˖ 食成個水果,少飲用果汁或果汁飲品 ˖ 盡量以蔬果填滿餐盤的一半 ˖ 選擇種類豐富的全穀物食物,如藜麥、全穀麥片或全穀燕麥片、全穀麵包、 全穀糙米或全穀野生米,以及全穀麵食 ˖ 盡量以全穀物食物填滿餐 665
Managing Cancer-Related Distress - Chinese - D-5975A216374/25/2022 4:59:17 PM˖ 什麼是社會心理困擾 ˖ 您能做什麼有助應對困擾 面對嚴重疾病 (如癌症) ,可能會帶給您和家人巨大的壓力 有可能感覺困惑, 失落或不知所措 以下信息將有助於您及您的摯親了解如何處理癌症相關的困擾 癌症患者和家屬會經歷各種的情緒,包括 請記住,這些情感都是正常的,而且您無需獨自面對困難 于不同時期的經歷,癌症相關的情緒困擾可能會更明顯 有時候您會更苦惱, 例如: 任何 646

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