Our cancer centre offers a range of amenities and activities that are available to you as a patient or visitor.

Food and Retail Services


Tim Hortons
Location: Main floor, inside the 610 University Avenue entrance

Real Fruit Bubble Tea
Location: Main floor, inside the 620 University Avenue entrance

Location: Main floor, inside the Murray Street entrance

Pinto Ready-to-Eat
Location: Main floor, inside the Murray Street entrance

CORE Catering: Learn more about our catering services.


The Princess Margaret Gift and Health Shop
Location: Main floor, inside the 610 University Avenue entrance
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Phone: 416 946 4501 ext. 5625
*Please note that flowers are not sold at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre.

Outpatient Pharmacy
Location: Main floor, Room M810
Main floor – Room M633
Phone: 416 946 6593
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm

Learn More.

Newspapers and Mailboxes

  • Outside the University Avenue entrance
  • Outside the Murray Street entrance

Internet, Phone and Television

Wi-Fi access is available throughout our site, on the Guest Wireless Network. You do not need a password to access the guest Wi-Fi.

Pay Phones

  • Main floor, beside patient elevators in the Atrium

Taxi Phones
On the main floor, near the Murray Street entrance (next to the revolving door). These phones connect directly to Taxi and Wheel-Trans services.

Information Phones
You can use information phones to dial different locations within the hospital or to make local calls outside of the hospital. These phones cannot be used for long-distance calls.
Location: Main floor information desks (Murray Street and 610 University Avenue)

Bedside Phones
Bedside phones are not available at Princess Margaret. You are welcome to bring your cell phone for use while in the hospital.

iPad Lending
iPads are available for patients to use while at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. You can borrow an iPad to use for daily visits or for inpatient stays.
Location: Main floor, Patient & Family Library
Learn more about the iPad lending program.

Teletypewriter (TTY) and Phone Interpreters
We have interpreters who can interpret for you over the phone if English is not your first language. Learn more about Interpretation Services.

We also have TTY phones available for the deaf and hard of hearing. For more details, see Accessibility Services at UHN.

In-room television services are not available. You are welcome to bring a personal cell phone, tablet or laptop to connect to the UHN guest wi-fi.

Information, Security and Lost & Found

Princess Margaret Info Line

The Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Patient Information Line (Info Line) is part of an ongoing effort to provide patients and visitors with practical information and support in real time.

Call the Info Line at 416 946 4558 between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, to speak to an Information Specialist.

Information Desks

Information desks are located close to the entrances of all UHN facilities. Volunteers at the information desks can answer questions, give directions and escort you where you need to go.

Location: Main floor, near Murray Street and 610 University Avenue entrances
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Phone: 416 946 4558


All staff wear an identification badge showing their name, job title and department.

Security officers are always on duty. If you notice any suspicious individuals, call hospital security and tell your nurse or any other staff member.

Location: Main floor, next to Murray Street Information Desk
Phone: 416 946 4111

Lost & Found

If you have lost something, contact the security office. If you have found an item, you can contact one of our security offices or give it to any staff member.

Location: Main floor, next to Murray Street Information Desk
Phone: 416 946 4111

Activities and Relaxation


Max Tanenbaum Garden (outside)
The Max Tanenbaum Garden is a special place where you can go to sit outside and relax.
Location: 16th floor rooftop – outdoor access from the elevators
April 1 – November 30
Monday – Sunday
8:00 am – 9:00 pm (may vary depending on weather)

Max Tanenbaum Healing Garden (inside)
The Max Tanenbaum Healing Garden is a lounge space for patients and families to relax and look out at the glass garden.
Location: 14th floor

Places to Relax

There are many areas around the hospital where you can wait. These areas include:

Main floor

  • Sean & Peta Boyd Family Lounge at the northeast corner of the building near the Magic Castle (follow signs towards the Magic Castle)
  • Hold'Em for Life Marketplace in front of the Tim Horton's near the University Avenue entrance
  • The Richard Rooney and Laura Dinner Patient Education Theatre
  • The S.O. Asher Cancer Education Lounge
  • The Rosen Family Lounge near the Murray Street entrance
  • The Lana Sniderman Patient and Family Library

2nd floor

  • Seating in the Sheila and Sydney Loftus Family Lounge next to the Hematology Clinics

14th floor

  • Max Tanenbaum Healing Garden (inside)

16th floor

  • Max Tanenbaum Garden (outdoors)

Music in the Atrium

Location: 2nd floor
Time: Wednesdays
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
September - May

Music in the Atrium presents concerts in many genres and styles, from classical to jazz, opera, broadway, and more, and feature both established artists as well as rising stars and community musicians.

Musicians are booked by contacting the Artist Director of Music in the Atrium, Andrew Ascenzo, at You will be asked to provide a press kit and/or audio/video recordings of recent performances.

Jazz for the Soul

Location: Max Tanenbaum Rooftop Garden - 16th floor
Time: Fridays
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
June - August, weather permitting

Join the Music in the Atrium program when it moves outdoors.

Musicians are booked by contacting the Artist Director of Music in the Atrium, Andrew Ascenzo, at You will be asked to provide a press kit and/or audio/video recordings of recent performances.

Music in the Atrium was established and bestowed in honour of Max Tanenbaum by the Tauba and Solomon Spiro Family Foundation.

Patient & Family Library

You can learn more about your health condition and look up information on the computers and in the printed materials in our patient and family library.

Princess Margaret Patient and Family Library

Main Floor, Atrium
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Phone: 416 946 4501 ext. 5383

You can also participate in classes, download eBooks and get other valuable resources through the Patient & Family Education Program at UHN.

Child Care

The Magic Castle is a free child-care service for children up to 12 years old. We take care of your children so that you can go to your appointment or visit a family member at Princess Margaret. We also welcome children who are patients themselves.

Learn more about the Magic Castle.

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