Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is over 3,000 years old. It is the practice of inserting ultra-fine needles into specific points of energy located along 14 energy channels, known as meridians, which run within and over the entire body. Each meridian is associated with specific organ systems as well as emotions. The insertion of these needles is generally not painful.
Acupuncture is based on the concept of restoring health by balancing the flow of life force energy called Qi (Chi) throughout the body. Research supports that the benefits of acupuncture include but are not limited to the reduction of pain, inflammation, muscle tension, and the negative effects of stress.
Acupuncture, as practiced at the Artists' Health Centre, can be used as both a single modality and in conjunction with other manual therapies.
People with the following conditions can benefit from acupuncture:
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Acute injuries
- Muscle strain and tension
- Headaches
- Dysmenorrhea
- Nerve pain
- Pain due to osteoarthritis
- Asthma
- Digestive issues
Chiropractic care is a patient-centred, non-invasive, hands-on, regulated health care profession. Chiropractors are spine, muscle and nervous system experts who use the best available scientific evidence and clinical expertise to diagnose and treat issues that affect your body's movement and function. They consider the context of an issue and work to affect the root cause of it, whether that be poor posture or technique, imbalance, acute or chronic injury, or stress. Stress causes many restrictions and constrictions in the body that impede proper function.
As artists, being able to function at your best is essential to your ability to create art and manage the stresses of life. Using specialized chiropractic adjustments of the joints to clear mechanical blockages, obstacles to nerve flow and relieve muscle tension, chiropractic treatment is used to maximize function and movement, alleviate pain, reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and improve the quality of life. Soft tissue techniques and exercise education are also used to enhance treatments.
Chiropractic Treatment can benefit people experiencing the following:
- Back pain and tension
- Neck pain and tension
- Sciatica
- Strains and Sprains
- Headache
- Pain associated with arthritis
- Work and sports injuries
- Poor posture
Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle, non-invasive hands-on osteopathic technique that works with the body's self-correcting mechanisms to affect multiple structural and physiological systems.
The craniosacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord including the bones of the skull and the sacrum. Using delicate touch, the practitioner works to detect and release strain and restrictive patterns that disturb the rhythmic movement of the craniosacral system and the function of the central nervous system.
Treatment is aimed at releasing tensions deep in the body tissues to reduce pain, dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance by facilitating the body's natural healing processes.
Craniosacral therapy induces deep relaxation by balancing the part of your nervous system responsible for the flight/fight response with the part responsible for restoration and relaxation. This therapy focuses on the whole being and can bring calm to the mind and body.
Craniosacral therapy can be helpful for people with:
- Headaches
- Concussion
- Vertigo
- Tinnitus
- Jaw Pain
- Trauma and PTSD
- Fibromyalgia
- Nerve pain
- Acute or chronic injury
- Physical components of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression
Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and treat the underlying cause of disease. Symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body and unfavourable lifestyle habits. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes disease as a process rather than as an entity.
Physiotherapists are experts in how the body moves. Physiotherapy can be used for prevention or rehabilitation. Treatment can be for problems due to injury (such as joint sprain or tendinitis), surgery (such as joint replacement), health conditions (such as arthritis) or disability.
Your session will be customized for you. The physiotherapist will learn about the history of the problem you are experiencing and some background information, then will complete an assessment of your movement, strength & function, then will diagnose your condition. Then they will create and implement a treatment plan suitable to your needs and goals. Treatment may include education, exercise prescription and hands-on (manual) therapy. You will play an active role in achieving your goals.
Physiotherapy can be completed in-person or virtually with Telerehabilitation (using video).
Psychotherapy is primarily talk-based therapy and is intended to help people improve and maintain their mental health and well-being. Registered Psychotherapists are trained in a variety of therapy modalities and work with individuals, couples and families. Psychotherapy occurs when the psychotherapist and client enter into a psychotherapeutic relationship where both work together to bring about positive change in the client's thinking, feeling, behaviour and social functioning. Individuals usually seek psychotherapy when they have thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviours that are adversely affecting their day-to-day lives, relationships and ability to enjoy life.
Single-Session Psychotherapy
Single-session therapy is a specific form of therapy conducted by professionals who seek to use their existing skill sets and knowledge base to address clients' presenting concerns, within one session. The session takes place with the understanding that the session might be the only one. Some of the issues you can discuss include:
- Feeling sad or anxious
- Relationship issues
- Difficulties adjusting to a life situation
- Grief/bereavement
- Stress management
- Accessing government services/assistance
- Learn skills to help regulate emotions
- Difficulties with sleep
- Other
Registered Massage Therapy
Massage therapy consists primarily of hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, specifically, the muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints for the purpose of optimizing health.
Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved; and physical dysfunction and pain and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented through the use of Massage Therapy.
Shiatsu Therapy
Shiatsu therapy is a Japanese treatment that stimulates the body's natural healing abilities. Shiatsu translates to 'finger pressure' and involves the application of comfortable, sustained pressure to specific points on the body to promote relaxation, release muscular tension, relieve pain, improve and maintain health and well-being and balance the body's energy. Pressure can range from very gentle to quite deep, with each session tailored to suit the individual and their specific health needs. No oil or lotion is used, so the patient can remain in loose, comfortable clothing.
Shiatsu has a regulatory effect on the nervous system, thus promoting relaxation, reducing muscle tension and improving organ function. Studies have demonstrated its therapeutic effects for stress, fibromyalgia, chronic and acute pain, muscle and joint issues, mind-body awareness, migraine, sleep problems and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Regardless of the aim of treatment, shiatsu can enhance health and well-being and help to prevent injury and dysfunction.
Self-Care Training Sessions
Shiatsu Therapist has been teaching people how to better manage their health and well-being for many years. In these sessions, you can learn self-shiatsu and other self-management techniques such as breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, stretching and acupressure. These simple self-care techniques can help you to take control of your health and feel better so you can live more fully.
These 45-minute one-to-one sessions are tailored to suit the health and well-being needs of each individual patient. Some of the issues these sessions can address include stress, anxiety, sleep problems, headaches/migraines, low back pain, neck and shoulder tension, chronic pain and injury prevention/recovery.
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