General Inquiries: | 1 866 865 LABS (5227)

Dr. George Yousef 

Dr. George Yousef, MD, PhD, FRCPC

Program Medical Director
Vice Chair, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology, University of Toronto
 416 340 4800 ext. 3686

Research Profile: Dr. Yousef is internationally recognized for his research in miRNA and kallikrein and his research laboratory is one of the leading laboratories internationally on cancer biomarkers in renal cell carcinoma and prostate cancers. He is the editor of the book “Molecular Pathology in Cancer,” and the editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Pathology and has published over 280 research papers and review articles and 15 book chapters.

Publications: PubMed Link

Christine Bruce 

Christine Bruce, MHA, CHE, MLT

Senior Director
 416 340 4800 ext. 8905
Contact for Anatomic Pathology requests.

Research Institute Affiliation: Edinburgh Business School at Heriot-Watt University

Research Profile: Currently focusing on research improving practice in leadership and employee engagement

Publications: Aynaud, M. H. (2021, March). A multiplexed, next-generation sequencing platform for high-throughput detection of SARS-CoV-2. Nature Communications. Retrieved from Nature Communications

Christine Cursio 

Christine Cursio, BSc, MLT

Point of Care Testing

Senior Manager
 416 340 4800 ext. 2551

Ivana Vidovic 

Ivana Vidovic

Core Laboratory

 416 340 4800 ext. 5215

Alioska Escorcia 

Alioska Escorcia

Transfusion Medicine

 416 340 4800 ext. 8134

Jessica Bourke 

Jessica Bourke, BcHSc, MLT


 416 586 4800 ext. 6276

Wes Morrison 

Wes Morrison

Genome Diagnostics & Histocompatibility Laboratory


Tracey Lui 

Tracey Lui, Msc

Research Services

Director, Translational Research & Innovation
ORCID logo 0000-0003-1672-9069

Caitlin Gillan 

Caitlin Gillan


 416 843 8437
ORCID logo 0000-0002-1612-7423

Talya Wolff 

Talya Wolff

LMP Call Centre

Senior Manager, Patient Services and Experience

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