












 What We Do

Patients with epilepsy tend to have unprovoked seizures. While most patients can be easily helped with antiepileptic medication, about 1 in 3 people will continue to have seizures despite medications. These seizures can also get in the way of a person's everyday life and impact their function and independence. While some patients can be treated with surgery, others have few treatment options.

Some studies have shown that a special diet can reduce seizures. Often referred to as the Ketogenic diet, this is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet which has been proven to help reduce seizures in patients with epilepsy. Many centres are providing this diet for children. However, we have created the first adult epilepsy diet clinic in Ontario. In adults we sometimes use a more liberal form of the ketogenic diet called the Modified Atkins Diet which is not as strict as the ketogenic diet but is very efficacious. This diet has been shown to help reduce seizures in adults with various types of epilepsy (focal or generalized).

For more information on epilepsy diet therapy, including recipes, please visit Dr. Bercovici's website.

Tests & Services

The following investigations should be performed before you are seen at the Epilepsy Diet Clinic at TWH

  • Blood tests
  • Urinalysis
  • EKG

Previous investigations of your epilepsy include: (Unless all of your workup has been done at UHN)

  • MRI
  • EEG

Note: if you cannot complete the tests well in advance of your appointment please notify the clinic because we may need to postpone your appointment.

How to Prepare

Please allocate 2-3 hours for the initial visit as it will likely involve a review of your medical history and diet. Follow-up visits can be 1-2 hours in duration depending on how you have responded to the diet and the amount of changes that need to be made.

As a tertiary care centre UHN prides itself in not just excellent clinical care but also world-renowned research. From time to time you may be asked to participate in a research study. This is very important in this new and expanding field and will greatly benefit future patients. Please note that participating in research is voluntary and will not impact your care. Please let one of your team members know if you have any questions or concerns.

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.

 Materials and Resources to Help You

Resources from the Patient & Family Education Program PDF Icon

* These material(s) are also available in other languages.

Visit our Health Information section to find​​ dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information you're looking for.

 Meet Our Team

We are very excited to provide diet therapy as part of our comprehensive epilepsy program. This is the first official adult epilepsy diet clinic in Ontario and we hope this will help our patients with epilepsy who have had a difficult time controlling seizures with other conventional therapy. We are proud of the team of clinicians working hard to make this clinic possible

Co-director UHN Epilepsy Program: Dr. Taufik Valiante, Neurosurgeon

Co-director UHN Epilepsy Program: Dr. Danielle Andrade, Neurologist


  • Dr. Eduard Bercovici

Registered Dietician

  • Debra MacGarvie

Registered Nurse

  • Chari Anor

Community Liaison Support

As this clinic serves patients from large geographic areas we recommend patients be in touch with their local epilepsy chapter

  1. Toronto and GTA (Epilepsy Toronto)
  2. Peel / Halton / Hamilton (EHPH)
  3. Durham Region
  4. York Region

We are proud to collaborate with Matthews Friends, a nonprofit organization supporting the Ketogenic Diet. They now have a Canadian Chapter located in Mississauga but they support patients from all over Ontario.​

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