












 What We Do

At the Osteoporosis Clinic, we offer diagnostic and clinical services to patients with osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases. We help people with low bone mass to manage their disease, focusing on reducing their risk of getting fractures and improving their quality of life.

Post-menopausal women are especially at risk of getting osteoporosis, so most of our patients are women over the age of 50. But about 20% of our patients are also men. We serve younger patients and those with complex medical problems that put them at a greater risk for bone loss and fractures. These could be transplant, renal, diabetic and cancer patients, as well as people on steroid medications.

We also conduct groundbreaking research into possible new treatments and technologies to assist patients with osteoporosis. You may be able to participate in some of our research studies. Learn more about our research studies and how to participate.

Clinical Services

Our services include bone-building and life-saving therapies for osteoporosis and recovery after fracture injuries, as well as vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty for the treatment of vertebral fractures.

Diagnostic Services

The Bone Density and Body Composition Laboratory at the Osteoporosis Clinic is part of the Centre of Excellence in Skeletal Health Assessment, a group of bone diagnostic centres in partnership with the Joint Department of Medical Imaging at the University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital. We provide diagnostic tests for bone strength, muscle density and body composition.

Our lab is equipped with a DXA machine (Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry), used for diagnosing osteoporosis. We also have the Xtreme CT, a low-radiation scanner that can examine bone structure and density in a non-invasive way.

Other diagnostic tests (used primarily for research studies) include:

  • Heel QUS (Quantitative Ultrasonography)
  • HRpQCT and pQCT (High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography)
  • MRI
  • MRTA (Mechanical Response Tissue Analyzer)

How to Prepare

Your first appointment can take 2 hours or more. After your visit, you might be required to go to the Diagnostic Test Centre for blood tests and/or Medical Imaging for x-rays. Follow-up appointments usually take 15 to 30 minutes.

Learn more about what you can expect when you have a clinic appointment.

 Materials and Resources to Help You

Resources from the Patient & Family Education Program PDF Icon

* These material(s) are also available in other languages.

​​Visit our Health Information section and find dedicated resources to help you understand your condition. Find the information​ you'r​e looking for.​​​​​

 Additional Resources

If you would like to learn more about osteoporosis, find out if you are at risk and get other information and materials, you can find many valuable resources on our blog, OsteoConnections. We add new information regularly to help you learn more.

Get a detailed understanding of osteoporosis and fractures, why they occur and how they can be prevented:

How much do you know about osteoporosis? Test your knowledge by taking the osteoporosis quiz.

Think you may be at risk for osteoporosis and fractures? Take our quick fracture risk test and find out!

Want to learn the proper way to exercise to build stronger bones? Get your copy of the UHN Osteoporosis Exercise Guide, a unique book co-authored by Dr. Angela Cheung, Director of the UHN Osteoporosis Program.

 Meet Our Team

We help people diagnosed with osteoporosis and metabolic bone diseases, and we focus on reducing their fracture risk and improving quality of life. Our physicians specialize in a wide variety of disciplines, including endocrinology, general internal medicine, geriatrics, interventional radiology, orthopedics, rheumatology and women's health.

Program Director: Dr. Angela Cheung

Medical Director: Dr. Lianne Tile

Clinic Secretary: Tuyet Young

Staff Physicians

Affiliated Physicians

Clinical Trials Research Nurses

  • Jessica Chang
  • Irene Ho
  • Jasmine Lakhesar

Research Coordinators

  • Suzanne Cohen
  • Alice Demaras
  • Maryam Hamidi​
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