There is an image of Dr. Charlie Chan lying on the ground playing with his golden retriever, Sammy. The photo caption is, “Dr. Chan with Sammi, his beloved golden retriever.” Number 1 – There is a circle with an image inside of a cartoon relaxed with his arms by his head. What might people be surprised to learn about you? I’m quite lazy on my personal time. What I mean by lazy is I don’t have a daily plan. I chill. I don’t do much of anything. This is very different from my life at work. I value having that kind of a shift from one schedule to the other. Number 2 – There is a circle with an image inside of a cartoon wearing a graduation cap. What advice would you give your 25-year old self? Don’t plan your career more than ten years at a time, because things will change. You’ll have to be prepared for change. Then, instead of being shocked and devastated, you’ll see change more as a chance to do something new and different. Number 3 – There is a circle with an image inside of a green salad with various toppings. What’s your favourite hobby? I’m a foodie. My family and I value the opportunity to explore new things we learn about food. So when we go on family vacations, and we know celebrity chefs have restaurants in the city, we try one or two. It makes the trips more memorable. Number 4 – There is a circle with an image inside of an airplane. What was your childhood dream job? To be a pilot. Number 5 – There is a circle with an image inside of a smiling cartoon face wearing sunglasses. What’s your favourite place you’ve travelled to and why? My favourite place that’s like a second home is Maui, Hawaii. Why? Because when I land, I change into my tank top, my swim trunks, my flip flops and I walk around like a local. It feels like home. The only family member that isn’t allowed to go is my golden retriever. Number 6 – There is a circle with an image inside of four coloured books stacked side by side. What’s your favourite book? Godfather 1. I’ve probably read it 12 or 13 times. Number 7 – There is a circle with an image inside of a grey dumbbell. Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Can you share it? Like a lot of people, my New Year’s resolution is to lose ten pounds and get myself into a regular exercise program. This isn’t the first time I’ve made that resolution [laughs] but maybe I’ll come through this year. 2016 will be the turning point! Number 8 – There is a circle with an image inside of the University Health Network’s logo What are you most excited about in your new role? The focus on safety, which is a new dimension and focus for UHN. Every one of us has to play their part. It won’t be achieved over night, but if you don’t lay your first stone you’ll never build the foundation of any house. This is Dr. Peter Pister’s passion - our new CEO - that will become a priority for UHN and I’m thrilled to be a part of that. I think we can show a lot of leadership not only in Ontario but across Canada.