​​For the past eight weeks I've been sending an ALL-UHN message to let you know what I've heard and seen as I get to know UHN. This will be the last Friday message which has served as a review of some of what I've seen, heard, and learned. Starting Monday, my messages will be about the week ahead and how we will move UHN forward together.

Yesterday, I let everyone know that the decision has been made that we will not move forward with an enterprise-wide health information system (HIS) with a specific vendor. I want you to know that this does not mean that we are moving away from our goal to upgrade information systems at UHN. We have a clear need to transform the organization together over time. An upgraded HIS will be an enabler of that transformation but we shouldn't think of software alone as light switch that we would turn on to change our way of working together. Over time, we will be broadening our conversations about how we want to change our models of care, standardize our practices, improve quality and safety, and become a learning organization that uses knowledge dynamically. In the meantime, we shall continue to examine alternative options that allow us upgrade our HIS without compromising our future strategic options.

I'll close this message with a couple of thoughts about the people who work here. As you know, when I began serving you in January, I entered the organization on Day 1 with the team in the TGH Emergency Department and soon thereafter attended UHN's full orientation day. This week I went to the reception for employees who have worked at UHN for 25 years or more. The  talent, enthusiasm, commitment and energy from these people did nothing but reinforce what I have seen in my first eight weeks as I've visited with so many people in so many UHN sites! ​​I also went to the LEAN event where a group were working to create a brand new orientation experience for our new employees. This experience will reinforce the fact that people have made a great choice in coming to work at UHN and help them to understand and orient to our culture patient and employee safety and patient-centered care.

The people who have dedicated their working lives to UHN for more than 25 years are wise, caring, and excited about working here. The people working on the new orientation for UHN are also passionate and excited about the environment they are creating for our newest colleagues. My congratulations and thanks to both groups for two energizing events this week!

Talk to you Monday about what's ahead.



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