The statistics are staggering, and they’re getting worse
Mohit Kapoor and Robert Inman
Dr. Mohit Kapoor and Dr. Robert Inman

One in five adult Canadians is currently living with arthritis, a painful, debilitating chronic health condition that affects the mobility of joints and bones. By 2040, that number is expected to rise by 50 per cent, affecting nearly a quarter of our population.

These shiftin​g demographics currently leave our aging population with increasing levels of disability, which in turn limits earning potential in the most productive years, affects  relationships with family and friends, and even impacts mental health. Arthritis hits us where it hurts the most.

This is a crisis, and we at the Krembil Research Institute are on the front line. It’s time to invest in our future, by empowering scientific research, so that we can help more people, sooner. University Health Network’s (UHN) Arthritis Program, based at Toronto Western Hospital, incorporates rheumatology, orthopedics, hand and osteoporosis programs under one roof. The program has evolved with the changing needs of our society.

We have assembled a team of the world's most innovative arthritis clinicians and researchers. We have given them the tools, the resources and the support they need to push the boundaries of discovery and to translate those discoveries into advanced patient care.

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