​​​Krembil Brain Institute Scientist is finding ways to diagnose Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy before its too late

Air Date: November 2, 2022 | Length: 43:57 | Download the transcript

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Dr. Carmela Tartaglia

Episode Description

Dr. Carmela Tartaglia  

Traumatic brain injuries are considered to be an invisible condition. We can't often see the effects and 50% of patients experience personality change, irritability, anxiety, and depression after concussion. Repeat traumatic brain injuries may increase your risk for a condition called Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.

Dr. Carmela Tartaglia's research looks to identify diagnostic tools to predict if an individual could develop CTE after sustaining repeat head injuries. Dr. Tartaglia's team is looking at implementing tools that target a protein called Tau, which is known to be elevated in CTE. In combination with other tests and screening methods, the hope is to be able to predict the progression of CTE, while implementing therapeutic strategies early on in the disease.

About Dr. Carmela Tartaglia

Dr. Carmela Tartaglia is a Clinician Scientist at Krembil Brain Institute, part of University Health Network (UHN), and The University of Toronto. She maintains a cognitive/behavioural clinic within the UHN Memory Clinic, where she sees patients with neurodegenerative diseases and persisting symptoms of concussion. As well, she is interested in the delayed effects of concussions. She holds the Marion and Gerald Soloway Chair in Brain Injury and Concussion Research and is one of the principle investigators at the Canadian Concussion Centre. The goal of her research program is to develop biomarkers for early detection of disease, so as to bring precision medicine and targeted, early treatments to her patients.

Produced by: Twayne Pereira | Host: Christian Coté | Sound Engineer: 217 Audio
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